
The Municipal Economy




Our thanks to the author, Jesse Benn, for this this contribution.

1. Surrounding the idea of improving humanity’s relationships, with itself, and in the interaction of the human environment with the natural world, is the prospect of transcending the illusion of separation and hierarchical control through direct local community appropriation, across the planet, in the management of existing economic and political potentiality.

The actualization of this process would necessarily usher in a new stage of civilization and rewrite the fundamental structure of the nation-state as it currently exists. The decision, in order to carry the spirit of its intention, is that of the population itself to make and implement, at its discretion, with careful deliberation and clear understanding of the issues involved and the underlying reasons for the substantive actions to be undertaken.

Ecological, agricultural, infrastructural, and manufactural stability can be thus accomplished at the municipal level through the direct decision-making of the local citizenry, which having reconstituted and confederated the system of regional and national alliance could formulate policy at the grass-roots level which would then be administered by recallable deputies of the elective assemblies.

2. Economic categorization of industrial and agricultural totality would reveal the potential points of replication of regional production and alternative reliance on renewable resources and non-hazardous production, current levels of waste, and trajectories of transitional, remaining, innovational, and sustainable resource allocation surrounding and resulting from each area and population demographic.

This information, intelligibly presented to society, would enable the working class to confront the corporate, governmental, and financial institutions which currently make decisions on their behalf without the integral sovereignty of popular consent.

Our entire system of law and social and private property distinctions will then, perhaps, be rewritten from a higher ethical standard of egalitarianism, environmental responsibilities, and universal human rights.

3. The municipal assembly need necessarily be among the largest structures in each district and periphery, allowing room for the simultaneous convention of proportional delegations from each of the subsidiary organizations and collectives, if not also or otherwise reconstituted according to and from equivalent areas and neighboring population districts, and it should be non-hierarchical and non-authoritarian from the foundations of its organization and activity, enabling the people to address the public consciousness, origin, and impact of the idea without any institutional prejudice or bias towards any predetermined judgement or opinion of ethical, cultural, or ideological considerations and contingent and affective economic and socio-political effectuality which should necessarily result and derive from our existing freedom of awareness and expression.

4. The municipalization of labor would necessitate a mechanism for the determination of the quantity and dispersement of necessary services and productive requisitioning. Application for entrance into each industry and the quality of labor required could likewise be effectively determined from administrative observation and evaluation of societal reactivity.

To the extent that a community could, given adequate resources, provide, through its labors, the means of its own susbsistence and yet require the additional services of society – this being so far as the land itself could be set aside for the restricted use of any specific group of persons, and with consideration to the provisionment of adolescent, immigrant, unemployed, elderly, and disabled individuals -, there is necessarily a capacity for the contribution to the greater good proportional to the utilization and reliance of the needs thereof acquired.

It is in this regard, and with respect to the cultural potentiality of the diversification of activity, that farm or agricultural labors, while at once intensified in measure and decentralized for purposes of regional autonomy and ecological methodologies, are balanced among the industrial and procedural functions which interconnect civilization throughamongst the established periphery of its environmental habitation and protectorate of conservational domain.

The decision of which crops to grow, which technologies to produce, the form of infrastructure and allocation of services, programmatically define thus the gains which society believes itself capable of acquiring over each period of economic consortation and effectuated distribution.

5. Each neighborhood assembly, having convened over the issues addressed by the community, would appoint individuals to present the report of their ideas at the municipal assembly, which, viewed amongst the general public, would then return to the neighborhood assembly for final approval of general terms from all corresponding perimeters of municipal jurisdiction and authority, a process inclusive of and redundant with the deliberation of confederal and international appointments and corroboration amongst the autonomous centers of inter-municipal, communitarian, and geographical habitation and existence.

6. Municipalities within an established national or intra-regional currency, having stabilized the per capita value amongst themselves separately – in conformance with the principles of direct democracy and to avoid the instantaneous necessity of a national referendum and the mechanism of state control – could average these figures multilaterally in order to avoid any over-balance among each area or unit of the municipal confederation, enabling the economy as a whole to transition to a mutualistic system without the collapse or dismemberment of monetary rationality.

7. Having formulated the level of spending required from local, state, and national levels, including the sum required for the balance of distribution, the remaining sum divided equally among the people would then determine the level of resource utilization and control which each individual would independently possess.

8. The quantity of labor, property, and productive materials and equipment, averaged from the total productive requirements and obligations of society, and with respect to the proportional redistribution of societal resources and the given rates of each imbursement, could represent a standard interval or quota of minimum and maximum remunerable effort and profitable use and application, affected according to periodic and annual calculations and adjustments of reallocations, reimbursements, and expense, towards and unto which the election of activity of the individual is determined and evaluated from, withof, and in accordance with the mechanisms of administrative compensation and compliance.

9. In the issue of territorial representation, inhabitants of the smaller states need coidentify and consolidate themselves with sufficient neighboring vicinities in order to consubstantiate a region equivalent with the largest partitioning and perimeter of equal standing in the hierarchical stratification of proximity.

Conversely and concurrently, the larger areas could divide and repartition into areas approximate with the mean or average of those areas involved – the emphasis is, of course, on there being some sort of balance attained among the physical and political groupings of geographical and populational dimensions and requirements, bearing in mind that, in the interim, coalitions, cultural heritage, and mutual support, including the established and further consideration of areas of common and collective jurisdiction and concern, should be capable of reconciling the vast majority of differences in the equity and endowment of each perimeter.

Power is therefore correlated among state capitol and municipal infrastructures of varying population densities and intervening forms and qualities of terrain directed towards the causes of regional unity and inter-regional approximation and trans-harmonization of national unity and international relations.

10. In a world of equivalent allowances, no one would require more than that which the system has produced, enabling the inventory to circulate freely towards all publically sanctioned destinations and recipients of its use, the fulfillment and determination of each one’s calculated duty necessary for the actualization and determination of each one’s equal status in society, choice determining the array of substitutes made available in equivalent proportion with the social instrumentality of their production and development.

Until society has attained this level of organization and trust withof itself monetary representation and expenditure – co-extensive with the barter, charitable, and gift economies, these being what they may – shall constitute the verification, measurement, and enforcement of societal compliance, reflecting, or as not, the equitable social and personal responsibilities involved in the accumulative occurrence and transferrence of general service and acquisitions.

The value of products and materials exchanged directly or indirectly among domains could, correspondingly, be negotiated for the balance and priorities of each established cycle and methodology of trade and distribution, locating and investing the existence and proportion of production facilities according to sustainable parameters and regional contributions and requirements, in order to thus affirm the vital integrity of the mutualistic practice in the harmonization of human lives, species diversity, and ecological resources.

11. Each community and nation, formulating its respective needs and capabilities, convening together in conference form, will therefore determine the method of implementation for the sharing and transfer of developmental possibilities and requirements, unto the balance and innovation of resources and technologies from every region of planetary creativity and transformative orientation and alignment.

12. The natural and technological productivity and accrual, sovereign control, and resulting capacity for consumption should ultimately be distributed equally among units of equivalent reflective population densities, intersectors, and rates of distance processing transference.

13. The centers of local, municipal, and confederal governance need not necessarily result from any one location or building at all times and on every occasion, and could therefore occur among the provinces in the form of sequential and interlinking summits.

The decisional authority of the people could thereby retain the equilibrium to counter-act and oppose the established forces of government and bureaucratic administration.


These points are abstracted from a previous effort to visualize and articulate the practical implementation of the libertarian potential. I make no claims of validity or of being anywhere near to the end of analysis; I merely wish to extend the opportunity to have refuted or further developed the conceptual foundations of which these ideas consist.