
Get involved and donate!

We can’t stop the earth-eating insanity perpetuated by greedy biotechnology corporations all by ourselves. We need your help! There are many opportunities to help, donate funds and donate/loan items that we need to make this event a huge success!

San Francisco Call to Action

Dazzle the forces of corporate globalization with streets full of resistance and vision! While the biotechnology industry and its lobbyists meet in San Francisco and the G8 meets in Georgia, join us in San Francisco for a mass mobilization that says NO to corporate profiteering and destruction and YES to the world we want.

Biodevastation/Biojustice Teach-in & Conference, San Francisco, June 3 – 5

Engineered Foods? Medicine For Profit? Corporate Control? Designer Babies? Biological Weapons?

How do they affect our communities? How do they impact racial and economic justice? What are the alternatives?

Join us for the Reclaim the Commons Teach-In and Conference, followed by 4 days of colorful street actions to resist biotechnology, reclaim the commons and plant alternatives!

Mumia Abu-Jamal’s presentation at RTC

Mumia Abu-Jamal prepared a 6 minute presentation that was featured at the Racial Justice Day of Action during the San Francisco Reclaim the Commons mobilization. Mumia addresses a breathtaking range of issues, from prison abuse in Iraq and the US, to historic struggles for the commons and the commodification of life. Not to miss! Download it here.

Audio from Teach-in Press Conference

Reclaim the Commons pre-teach-in press conference, featuring Brian Tokar, Anuradha Mittal, Marcy Darnovsky, Anne-christine d’Adesky, Inga Olson and David Kahn from Books not Bars. Play or download mp3 (22 minutes) from

Full Workshop Schedule

Full workshop schedule and room assignments. See “Schedule and Program” entry for keynote panels.