by Jesse Benn
1. The scientific and biological consideration and organization of independent sub-systems of the ecology, connected together in sequence and in conjunction with the greater whole, are and will be increasingly necessary in order to correct for environmental damage and to control the complex demands of the human and urban metropolitan populations. Sustaining the productivity and non-toxicity of the soil and water supply and the air we breathe requires the cooperation among the micro-organisms and dependent species which are responsible and instrumental for their vitality and renewal.
2. With increase in the understanding of disease and contamination, the inspection, regulation, and enforcement of qualities and standards of agricultural, medicinal, industrial, social, and biological activities acquired an ever greater significance in relation to the protection of the public health from the centralized and inter-regional distribution of products of itemized and discernible origination and dispersal.
Any attempt at localizing the production, supply, and waste reprocessing of a specific land region or social community, or of merely comprehending and cooperating more directly amongst the existing spectrum of human totality, in order to realistically be considered a viable alternative of human survival, without reverting exclusively to the primitive and primeval ways, which are, nevertheless, of renewed and redeeming value, need, therefore, retain the very same knowledge and watchfulness over itself, if also extended and adapted for the purposes of its self-resulting scenario, that is concurrently practiced by the collective group of humanity for its own safety, protection, trade relations, and independent quality of life.
Integrating humanity towards determined social and environmental objectives is and can thus be accomplished and furthered through the existing regional, national, multinational, and independent political, educational, and religious institutions, howsoever liberated and reconsolidated thenceforth with changes in human expectations and awareness, provided that there is agreement and representation of the core centrality of values projecting us towards the governing ideals and future potential of human and planetary existence.
3. Ecological communities, being conscious of their environment, and with advances in scientific realization, could, therefore, again produce and reprocess locally and intra-regionally many of the foods and manufactured items that were interveningly transported throughamongst, while municipalizing and confederating those facilities the location and scale of which would have caused greater ecological harm to have presently reconstructed or refurbished or thence abandoned and dismantled, respecting the occupational dispensation, requirements, and compensatory equilibrium of populational groups at varying densities and distances of scarcity and overlapping inter-selectivity of seasonal and habitational variation in and amongst the interspersion of the natural endowments of terrain, and reserving much among thence the pathways of trade for visitation, culture, and ideas, thereof and thereby having elucidated the conscious transceptivization of, and transcended and reduced throughamongst thence, withof the complementarity of local and conservation efforts and refinements of methods, behaviors, and technologies, the need and causes for any further and unnecessary degradation of the earth.
4. The biological and nutritional requirements and proper balance of human bodily intake, activity, and social and psychological relations, including specific supplemental and counter-active medications, form directives, and physical repair, determined from exhaustive and ongoing investigation and informed deduction of inventory and causality, extended out to the corresponding and converse mechanisms, food production systems, and atmosphere of earth, inclusive of the cumulative effect of chemical herbicides and pesticides, artifical fertilizers, soil and water management, biosystemic and constructive proportionality among industrial, residential, and municipal activities and development, and international cultural, academic, educational, economic, psychological, military, and diplomatic conjunctivity, constitute the substantive synthesis and totality of unified health-fulfilling and furthering practices and institutional demeanor.
5. The concern and care for every living creature of the earth, and for the earth itself, howsoever truly the motivating factor of the central government of the world, involves every nation with every other nation, and the recommendation, decision, and verification of the health measures and collective agendas which are best for each community and for the whole of planetary existence and vital purpose of reality.
Interest in the environment and diversity of ecosystems will manifest in the inclusivity and transfer of time and media resources towards the inventory, observation, and display of each area of existing habitats and terrain, coinciding with the democratic visualization and appropriation of industrial, economic, and agricultural activity, and infrastructural totality, proliferation of corresponding scientific and educational materials, and the political involvement and awareness of each local community, towards and unto the integration and confederation of national and international purposivity, inter-cotransparticipationality, and effort.
6. The willingness of government and industry – and of the populations of self-determining members of society of which these institutions consist and from which they are derived – to acknowledge and adopt secure agricultural and ecological methodologies and equitable economic and political procedures depends exactly on the awareness of the public and authoritative institutions which implement and receive from the resulting efforts of transcommunitarian and international collaboration of confluent knowledge and research, howsoever of thence retaining the cultural information of all progressive gains and historical synthesis of biospheric and ideological transitions.
The replinishment of the soil and ecosystems, generation and development of new areas of soil and alternate variations of food production, sustainable use and application of ground and surface water levels, drainage, and circulation, and corresponding maintenance of optimal ground-cover and forestation patterns, along with the purification and moderation of atmospheric concentrations, present humanity, independently and in connection with inter-govenmental cooperation and support, with the opportunity to revitalize the earth, with careful planning for, and in conjunction with, the efforts of future generations, and, thereby, to attain the equilibrium balance of its numbers in proportion to its per capita utilization and reliance of existing natural resources and agricultural terrains.
Our cultural and political agendas, while having variously embodied the dialectical extremes of our highest understanding and intentions, will likewise thence continue to pursue the active consensus of facilitative and protective regulations wherever affecting the general population, proceding from the autonomous confederation and controls at the community level of existence.
7. The mechanisms of administration required for the monitoring and correlation of data from diverse segments of the environment, in conjunction with military, industrial, civil, and university and collegiate-based programs of training and research, whereas already existing in society, if otherwise yet requiring enactment and reform from withof themselves, the intentions of the population, and other civil institutions, have further to involve the public in the findings and participation of their work, in order to fully accomplish the spectrum of necessary observations of locales, wherefore this knowledge is yet indigenous of itself, and in order to garner the effort and support required for the implementation of alternate and appropriate procedures withof the over-all strategy of world survival, mass redemption, and repair.
8. Alternative pathways and priorities of societal development and types and scales of technological implementation have occurred within a time-frame of either mutually supportive or conflicting objectives, concerning the convergence, divergence, and distribution in the form of productive infrastructures in terms of the mutually inclusive or exclusive effect on the directionality of each region and of the social and planetary environment as a whole.
Understanding that and how the greater interests of the common majority coincide was and is thus necessary for the most accurate and most ethical policy framework of regulations to emerge and acquire the functional legitimacy and strength of the general consensus.
Cooperation and coordination within international agencies and between the national governments and non-governmental organizations which contribute towards and derive assistance from these policies should enable the solutions and data formulated to reach further agreement and accord over the duration and cycle of convention status and multilateral procedings.
Contrary to these tendencies of furthering and conserving the social and ecological foundations of civilization, we should yet emphasize, could otherwise occur the continued depletion and disorganization of resources and eventual contestation over the scarce and remaining supply of what were potentially the collective and manageable inheritance of our natural abundance.
Rationally, each group of persons, fully informed, would consider themselves to possess the same and equivalent developmental and indigenous rights, if under different circumstances, as every other group of persons, and would act concertedly to ensure a fair distribution and conservation of resources, invoking the need for proportional utilization and a common standard and protocol of technological efficiency, cultural protections and awareness, and inter-regional systems integration.
9. The ratio of gases exchanged and contained among the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geologic processes of Earth, according to the contribution over time of each group of species, natural process, cosmic and solar variation, and cumulative result of human activity, together measures the radiant energy pathways and immediate trajectory of Earth’s existing climate.
Where the majority of people have understood and accepted the reality and implications of these and other environmentally precarious relationships, no amount of industry control and collusion within government can prevent the public, through itself and the corresponding mechanisms of national and international legislature and legality, from demanding that the necessary actions be taken, with the corresponding restructuring of the economic and political relations necessary to secure their accomplishment at and unto all levels of world-wide collaboration, resolution, and participative effort.
This idea, perhaps, should be understood in view of the fact that scientific solutions and alternative modes of living have long been available and that the population itself need adopt the necessary changes, with and beyond the placative and overdue efforts which industry and government interests may present, together from which we, collectively, and each according to the stages and requirements of national development, have progressed towards the integration and resolution of all factors of which civilization consists and which are of influence in sustaining the environment of Earth.
10. Each municipality and community area will reflect different per capita resource requirements, depending upon the methodologies introduced, correlating with the common protocol and efficiency of production and distribution strategies.
Herein consist the variations of demographics, culminating in the aggregate influence of humanity, which need be introduced and persuaded of the appropriate measures for each interrelated and unified involvement and activity in the transfer and exchange of materials, energies, and services.
11. Towards the education of society, integrated through collective academic and university networks and demonstration programs, setting the example of communal and cooperative living and enabling sustainable decision-making in relation to environmental, labor, and agricultural requirements, reintroduces each generation to the participative process and furthers the culture of peace in the interests of all humanity and of the world with which dependent on the fulfillment of the character and responsibility of the actions and motives it itself embodies and conveys.
Comprehending the numerical and conceptual basis and account of social and environmental reporting of each area and nation by itself and from alternative perspectives initiates each group of individuals into the comprehensive strategy of world remediation towards and from which each particular directive, facet, and concern is necessarily connected for the coherency and solvency of purpose and meaningful activity to acquire and reflect its proper context in the balance of events.
12. The existence of all substances and practices known to be hazardous to human health and the environment, the methods of their elimination and reduction, and the associated costs and benefits analysis, should remain in the public awareness and authority, and all means be applied towards the informed involvement of concerns.
The nature and quantity of solid wastes produced through industrial, housing, and domestic consumption should be reprocessed, recycled, and safely decomposed to the furthest extent possible and likewise remain strictly monitored through public awareness and participation programs, in order to avoid the unnecessary disposal, congestion, contamination, or incineration of all hazardous, raw, or reclaimable materials and products.
Other relevant issues should be given similar treatment and concern, involving public awareness and cooperation, including waste water, sewage, persticides, herbicides, farming methods, and energy production, thereby reconnecting the popular imagination with the natural world and with the spectrum of educational, social, political, economic, and diplomatic relations, with itself, and with the inclusive realm of human interactions and existence.