Harbinger Vol 3, Issue 1: Spring 2003 Contents
This was the first issue since the 1980s to appear in print, as well as online. The table of contents is here; full text of articles are linked from the “Social Ecology Journals” page. To download a full pdf of this issue, click here.
Harbinger Vol. 2 No. 1: 2001 Contents
The Institute For Social Ecology has published several issues of Harbinger, A Journal of Social Ecology. This was our first issue (online only) since the original Harbinger journal of the 1980s. Table of contents is here; scroll to page 2 below for articles.
Harbinger Vol. 3 No. 1 — The Communalist Project
Whether the twenty-first century will be the most radical of times or the most reactionary—or will simply lapse into a gray era of dismal mediocrity—will depend overwhelmingly upon the kind of social movement and program that social radicals create out of the theoretical, organizational, and political wealth that has accumulated during the past two centuries […]
Harbinger Vol. 3 No. 1 — Social Ecology and Social Movements: From the 1960s to the Present
Social ecologists have played an important catalytic role in many of the pivotal social and ecological movements of the past four decades. The discussion that follows will focus on events that staff, students and volunteers around the ISE in Plainfield have been most directly involved with. We hope that subsequent issues of Harbinger will include […]
Harbinger Vol. 3 No. 1 — Buttercups and Sunflowers: On the Evolution of First and Second Nature
by Sonja Schmitz One remarkable feature of social ecology is that Murray Bookchin’s vision of an ecological society goes beyond the development of eco-technologies and organic agriculture, but expands into the philosophical realm through dialectical naturalism. Murray recognizes the importance of healing the seemingly disparate relationship between nature and culture (first and second nature) by reminding […]
Harbinger Vol. 3 No. 1 — Education & Community Action: A History of the Institute for Social Ecology’s Programs
by Michael Caplan Emerging from the proletarian socialist movements of the Old Left, infusing a distinctly libertarian ecological outlook in the rise of the New Left, social theorist and activist Murray Bookchin started to lay the foundations of a remarkable revolutionary body of work which he soon called social ecology. His pioneering book, Our Synthetic […]
Harbinger Vol. 3 No. 1 — Radical Alternatives: An Interview with Ingrid Young
By Michael Caplan In the past few years, Norway and surrounding Scandinavian countries have proven to be a hotbed of activism inspired by the works of social ecology. Study groups, publishing projects, protests, conferences and seminars, anti-racist and ecological activism, and political organizational building are all common activities of the 4-year-old group Democratic Alternative (DA). […]
Harbinger Vol. 3. No. 1 — Economics in a Social-Ecological Society
n the midst of our struggles for a better world, social ecologists have frequently engaged in critical dialogue with other strands of radical thought about just what kind of world we’re struggling for. Such dialogues often address the question of how people in a liberated future will organize their material relationships with one another and […]
Harbinger Vol. 3 No. 1– Reflections: An Overview of the Roots of Social Ecology
he extent to which radical versions of environmentalism underwent sweeping metamorphoses and evolved into revolutionary ideologies when the New Left came of age is difficult to convey to the present generation, which has been almost completely divorced from the ebullient days of the New Left, not to speak of all the major problems in classical […]
Harbinger Vol. 3 No. 1 – Alliance for Freedom and Direct Democracy
In August 2002, thirty anti-authoritarian organizers from around the US converged on a farm in upstate New York to found a new political confederation: the Alliance for Freedom and Direct Democracy. This article describes their mission and rationale.