Harbinger Issue 3 Call for Submissions: Heresies and Sacred Cows
Harbinger: A Journal of Social Ecology is now accepting submissions for issue 3 on the theme of “Heresies and Sacred Cows.”
Left Green Perspectives [Complete list of issues]
Left Green Perspectives was published regularly between 1986 and early 1999, with an additional issue in January 2000. It originated from the Social Ecology Project in Burlington, Vermont, and was co-edited by Murray Bookchin and Janet Biehl.
Green Perspectives: Missing Issues
Thanks to Vincent Gerber in Geneva, we now have copies of several of the issues of Green Perspectives and Left Green Perspectives that were previously missing from this site as well as from other online sources. Click on Read More for live download links to issues # 9, 11, 12, 13, and 39, as well as links to issues available at academia.edu and other websites.
Communalism Issue #2
Two issues of the print journal, Communalism, were published in Norway in 2009-2010 by the collective that now produces the New Compass webzine. This was the Spring/Summer 2010 issue.
Featured authors include: Mat Little, Brian Tokar, Ken Furan, Teresa Hayter, Atle Hesmyr, Matthias Küntzel, Ben Grosscup, and Sveinung Legard.
Communalism Issue #1
Two issues of the print journal, Communalism, were published in Norway in 2009-2010 by the collective that now produces the New Compass webzine. This issue was published in December 2009.
Includes articles from: Jonathan Korsár, Mat Little, Sveinung Legard, Brian Tokar, Adam Krause, and Andy Price.
Harbinger Vol 3, Issue 1: Spring 2003 Contents
This was the first issue since the 1980s to appear in print, as well as online. The table of contents is here; full text of articles are linked from the “Social Ecology Journals” page. To download a full pdf of this issue, click here.
Harbinger Vol. 2 No. 1: 2001 Contents
The Institute For Social Ecology has published several issues of Harbinger, A Journal of Social Ecology. This was our first issue (online only) since the original Harbinger journal of the 1980s. Table of contents is here; scroll to page 2 below for articles.
Communalism (2009-2010)
Social ecologists in Norway and Sweden have been publishing Communalism as an online webzine for many years, and published two outstanding print issues in 2009 and 2010. Their website at communalism.net is currently being redesigned, and more information about these journals will be available shortly.
Left Green Perspectives (1986-1998)
Left Green Perspectives was published by Murray Bookchin and Janet Biehl between 1986 and 1998. Our archive begins on page 3 below with a complete table of contents.
Society and Nature (1992-1995)
Between 1992 and 1995, the Institute supported the publication of 7 issues of the journal Society and Nature, which was edited by ISE alumnus Pavlos Stavropoulos in Colorado, along with Takis Fotopolous in the U.K. and several colleagues in Greece, who published a Greek-language edition. In 1995, the journal changed its name to Democracy and Nature and, over time, its focus shifted away from social ecology. Archives, including the full text of many articles, can be found at www.democracynature.org. Takis Fotopoulos continues to publish the International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, which he founded in 2004.