
Social ecologists at the Left Forum in NY City




LF'14Once again, faculty and associates of the ISE will be participating in several panels at the annual Left Forum, scheduled for May 30th – June 1st in New York City.  Following huge turnouts that stretched the limits of available spaces at Pace University, the Forum has been moved uptown to the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, just west of Central Park and Columbus Circle. The theme is “Reform and/or Revolution: Imagine a World of Transformative Justice.”  Featured speakers this year include Harry Belafonte, Angela Davis, Cornel West, David Harvey, and over 1,000 more. Registration information is available here. These are the panels we’re involved with:

Don’t Mourn, Organize!: The Radical Decentralist Politics of Social Ecologist Murray Bookchin, featuring Debbie Bookchin (Co-Editor of a new Murray Bookchin collection titled “The Next Revolution”), Eleanor Finley (ISE), Chaia Heller (ISE), Brian Tokar (ISE/University of Vermont), Damian White (Rhode Island School of Design).  Sunday, June 1st, Noon – 1:50 pm in Room 8.61.

Challenging GMOs: Toward a More Transformative Movement, featuring Brian Tokar (ISE/University of Vermont), Andrea Brower (University of Auckland), Amalia Leguizamón (CUNY/Tulane University), Chaia Heller (ISE), Les Levidow (Open University, UK). Sat., May 31st, Noon – 1:50 pm, Room 1.92.

The Venezuelan Revolution and Climate Change, featuring Isolina De La Cruz (Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle NY), Fred Magdoff (Monthly Review Press), Cesar Aponte (Venezuelan climate delegate), Brian Tokar (ISE). Sat., May 31st, 10 – 11:50 am, in Room L2.84.

Click on the title of each panel for more information.  Hope to see you there!