
Spring 2021 ISE Online Courses




We are excited to offer three courses this spring, including two brand new ones: Understanding Antisemitism (March 24-April 28), The Philosophy and Politics of Social Ecology (April 5-May 24), and Food & Climate Justice (April 29-June 3).

We are also thrilled to announce that through a new partnership with Castleton University, our online courses can now also be taken for college credit! Details and registration info below – we hope you’ll join our global community of activist-thinkers!

Understanding Antisemitism (March 24-April 28, WEDs at 1-2:30 pm ET). This 5-unit course examines the history, tropes, and theoretical understandings of antisemitism from an emancipatory perspective. Units include: Antisemitism: A Historical and Conceptual Introduction; A Critical Theory of Antisemitism; Antisemitism and Capitalism; Antisemitism and the Left; Right Antisemitism.

The Philosophy and Politics of Social Ecology (April 5-May 24, MONs 1-2:30 pm ET) offers a comprehensive examination of the philosophy and politics of social ecology, designed for both newcomers and those well versed in Bookchin’s work. Taught by Chaia Heller, the first half addresses various philosophical questions to offer a rethinking of nature and human nature that transcends racist, patriarchal, and colonial outlooks. This sets the stage for the second half, which explores social ecology’s political vision for a free, directly democratic, and ecological society in detail.

Food & Climate Justice (April 29-June 3, THs 1-2:30 pm ET). This new course, taught by Grace Gershuny and Brian Tokar, will explore the role of climate and food justice movements in developing a community-centered grassroots response to intersecting social and ecological crises. Each unit will highlight the leadership of communities around the world in shifting the paradigm towards the principles of non-hierarchy, direct democracy, and unity in diversity.

To enroll, complete the form on the relevant course page or write us at If the seminar times don’t work with your schedule, all courses are also available in a self-directed format that can be started at any time. All courses are available in non-credit and credit options. For those not seeking college credits, full seminars cost $100 per seminar, self- directed courses are $50 – payment plans and need-based scholarships are available. College credits (undergrad or graduate level) are granted through Castleton University, part of the Vermont State Colleges system, and that option includes additional course requirements and fees — please write to us for full details.Â