
J. E. Roos: The end of the ‘End of History’

Another excellent article from The New Significance. It begins: The Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions. The Arab Spring. The looming Greek default. The increasingly likely breakup of the eurozone. The second coming of the global financial crisis. The return with a vengeance of the systemic critique of capitalism. The resounding worldwide call for real democracy. The […]

Occupy Wall Street protests go global

A comprehensive global round-up from journalist Bill Weinberg’s invaluable World War 4 Report:

Under the slogan “From Tahrir Square to Times Square,” the Occupy Wall Street movement reports demonstrations in over 1,500 cities across the globe Oct. 15, including over 100 US cities from coast to coast. In New York, […]

“Occupied Wall St. Journal” online + More photos

Here’s the word, direct from the streets of New York: First issue: Second issue: Also the Atlantic Monthly has an outstanding set of photos from the October 5th support rally for Occupy Wall Street, along with allied events across the US, at And Jim Ennis, who teaches sociology at Tufts University has […]

Reflections from Occupy Amherst

by Ben Grosscup October 9, 2011 When I heard that a “general assembly” had been called for the Amherst Common to organize an Occupy Amherst movement, I had a sense that there was some kind of opening for new political possibilities in my community. I have seen and participated in many organizing efforts opposing militarism, […]

From Seattle: 32 arrested in police raid against Occupy Seattle

From our Climate SOS colleague Duff Badgley in Seattle: For four nights in the gloom and rain we have occupied Westlake Park, the highly used public park in Seattle’s commercial core. Occupy Seattle, like Occupy Wall Street, sprang into being outside other organizations. The speed and intensity of our birthing has been magical for an […]

“Why Greece Is About To Explode”

From The New Significance, an excellent new webzine on global rebellions from former ZNet co-editor Chris Spannos. He is just back from visiting and interviewing activists across Europe, and promises continuing coverage from on the ground there, as well as in New York and elsewhere: The author of this report from Greece is Jérôme E. […]

GRAIN wins Right Livelihood Award

The Right Livelihood Award, commonly described as the “alternative Nobel Prize,” has granted one of its 2011 awards to the international research group, GRAIN. GRAIN has been in the forefront of international efforts to protect traditional agricultures and access to seeds, and describes itself as “a small international non-profit organisation that works to support small […]

“Occupy Wall Street” & the Radical Imagination

A thoughtful commentary by anthropologist and social movements scholar David Graeber in The Guardian of September 25th. One good source of daily updates is the Reader Supported News website at An excerpt: The form of resistance that has emerged looks remarkably similar to the old global justice movement: we see the rejection of old-fashioned […]

Neoliberalism, Austerity & Participatory Democracy

Norwegian social ecologist Sveinung Legard has drawn our attention to his recent article on the New Compass website. In this piece, he aims to address some of the arguments raised in this blog last spring by writers who questioned whether it is still meaningful to raise demands for direct democracy in a period of neoliberal […]

New webzine highlights global rebellions

The New Significance, edited by former ZNet co-editor Chris Spannos, is described as “A web magazine exploring revolutionary forces for change & autonomy in the 21st Century…” They offer both daily and weekly email newsletters highlighting important current developments. This week’s headlines include:    Thousands In Chile Take To Streets, Demand Change    A Deconstruction […]