
Audio from Teach-in Press Conference

Reclaim the Commons pre-teach-in press conference, featuring Brian Tokar, Anuradha Mittal, Marcy Darnovsky, Anne-christine d’Adesky, Inga Olson and David Kahn from Books not Bars. Play or download mp3 (22 minutes) from

Full Workshop Schedule

Full workshop schedule and room assignments. See “Schedule and Program” entry for keynote panels.

2004: Come to San Francisco June 3rd – 9th

Dazzle the forces of corporate globalization with streets full of resistance and vision! While the biotechnology industry and its lobbyists meet in San Francisco and the G8 meets in Georgia, join us in San Francisco for a mass mobilization that says NO to corporate profiteering and destruction and YES to the world we want.

From Biodevastation to Reclaiming the Commons: A brief history

The Reclaiming the Commons mobilization in San Francisco continues a series of international grassroots gatherings on issues of genetic engineering, the patenting of life, and corporate dominance over our food and health that began six years ago in St. Louis. Since May of 1999, most of these gatherings have coincided with the annual convention of BIO, the Biotechnology Industry Organization.