
Chomsky: “This is the Most Remarkable Regional Uprising that I Can Remember”

In solidarity with the Egyptian people, we link to an interview with Noam Chomsky on his analysis of the situation by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! AMY GOODMAN: For analysis of the Egyptian uprising and its implications for the Middle East and beyond, we’re joined now by the world-renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky, […]

bioJustice/bioDiversity 2002 Program

6th International Grassroots
Gathering on Genetic Engineering
June 7-9, Toronto, Canada

Sponsors: Polaris Institute, Council of Canadians, BIOdevastation
Toronto Coalition, Institute for Social Ecology [USA]

Biodevastation to Biojustice: A brief history

bioJUSTICE/bioDIVERSITY 2002 was the sixth in a series of international grassroots gatherings on issues of genetic engineering, the patenting of life, and corporate dominance over our food and health. It was the fourth such gathering to coincide with the annual convention of BIO, the Biotechnology Industry Organization.

Agribusiness, Biotechnology and War

Most of the chemical “tools” taken for granted by modern agribusiness are products of warfare. What does it tell us about the new technologies of genetic manipulation that the very same companies posit as the centerpiece of the current generation of crop “improvement” technologies?

Come to bioJUSTICE/bioDIVERSITY 2002

Over the last two years, thousands of people have gathered to counter the annual conventions of the biotechnology industry in Boston and San Diego. This year, people will be converging on Toronto to broaden the biojustice movement and challenge the biotechnology industry and their vision for our future. It will be a gathering to learn, strategize and network about genetic engineering in agriculture and pharmaceuticals, biowarfare, genetic and non-genetic discrimination, trade regimes and corporate control, patenting of life and more. This event is timed to challenge the industry’s annual convention BIO2002, Toronto, June 9-12.

Report from San Diego, June 2001

A report from They said it couldn’t be done. That we’d never be able to assemble hundreds of people for a peaceful demonstration against the biotechnology industry in San Diego. San Diego is an anomaly in today’s United States. It’s one of the few large cities whose economy is still overwhelmingly dependent on the military. Drive around for a couple of days and you’ll see more submarine bases, naval warfare training bases, battleship construction facilities and missile defense testing installations than you’d ever imagine…