“To Revisit Spain,” by Eleanor Finley
“The silence that gathers around Spain, like a bad conscience, attests to the fact that the events are very much alive.” – Murray Bookchin, To Remember Spain.
In the late 1960’s, social ecologist Murray Bookchin traveled throughout Spain and Catalonia collecting the history of Spanish anarchism. Though the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War was highly-publicized throughout the “democratic” west, few accounts ever dealt seriously with the social revolution that took place within in. Furthermore, no definitive history existed of the Spanish anarchism that fueled these events, a political movement dating back to the mid-19th century. Murray set out to write this history and, in the process, shed light on the development of revolutionary Left theory and practice.
Don’t Mourn, Organize! A Social Ecology Panel at the 2014 Left Forum
This year, the annual Left Forum was held on May 30st through June 1st at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. The conference and its theme, Reform and/or Revolution: Imagining a World with Transformative Justice, attracted scholars and activists from across many social, environmental and labor movements including Occupy Wall […]
On the DC Climate Rally
At Least for a Day: The Fight Against Tar Sands Oil Unites Indigenous Activists, Occupiers, and Big Environmental NGOs
On Sunday, February 17th, nearly 50,000 people ventured out into the icy morning to gather at the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. There, braced against the biting February wind, the Forward on Climate Rally swelled into the largest climate march in history. The focal point of the rally was to challenge President Obama to reject a proposal by the multinational corporation TransCanada to transport tar sands oil across the U.S through their under-construction Keystone XL pipeline…
Report from the January ISE intensive
by Eleanor Finley This year the Institute for Social Ecology hosted its annual week-long Winter Intensive program in Northampton, Massachusetts. Participants gathered at the Northampton Friends Meetinghouse, a bright, serene space in the heart of downtown Northampton. Classes were held each day from 9 to 6:45, with eight instructors lecturing and leading discussions on topics […]