
Peter Singer and Eugenics

Peter Singer is an Australian philosopher who is best known for his book Animal Liberation. His work on ethics is respected within the academy and he has had an impact on public opinion unmatched by almost any other professional philosopher. He is the world’s foremost proponent of utilitarianism, one of the two major doctrines within […]

The Vote Fallacy: Strategically Advancing Radical Politics in the 2004 Elections

While election seasons are widely seen as times when the polity practices politics, this is an illusion; electoralism that accepts the premises of representative democracy is conceptually distinct and incompatible with practicing true politics. Politics involves public debate on the issues of a self-manging political community that leads to social policy. Voting is no political […]

The World Bank: Biotechnology and the “Next Green Revolution”

– From Gene Traders: Biotechnology, World Trade and the Globalization of Hunger, Burlington, VT: Toward Freedom, 2004. Chapter 3 The World Bank, which celebrates its sixtieth anniversary in 2004, has underwritten several of the most environmentally devastating projects ever undertaken in the name of progress and economic “development.” Wherever people are displaced and communities are […]

Review: Hungry For Profit

Magdoff, Fred, Bellamy, John, Foster, and Buttel, Frederick H., eds. Hungry for Profit: The Agribusiness Threat to Farmers, Food, and the Environment. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2000. Reviewed by Erin Royster From biotechnology to farm workers movements to the origins of capitalism, Hungry for Profit covers a variety of topics relevant to today’s food […]

The Emergence of Compulsory Schooling and Anarchist Resistance

by Matt Hern The history of the development of Western schooling is a complex and meandering thing, but I think it is worth looking at in a very abbreviated form here. A little insight into the logics and basis for contemporary compulsory schooling might be useful to social ecologists.

Anarchists in Wonderland: The Topsy-Turvy World of Post-Left Anarchy

(In 2003 I was asked by the Institute for Anarchist Studies to write a response to Jason McQuinn’s essay “Post-Left Anarchy: Leaving the Left Behind.” McQuinn’s essay can be found here: The essay below is my response.) Since the editors of Anarchy Magazine began promoting it several years ago, the vague category of post-left […]

Indigenous Chiapans Challenge Biopiracy and GMOs

Sidebar to “Control through Contamination” by S’ra Desantis For ISE Biotechnology Project and ACERCA June 2003 A recent delegation to the rainforest of southeastern Mexico discovered that issues of biopiracy and GMOs are very much on the minds of campesinos, activists and traditional healers in the highlands of Chiapas and beyond. The delegation investigated the […]

On the Media and Democracy

The Media: Mirror or Manufacturer/Reflection or Propaganda In the context of the 21st century media environment, there is little debate among media critics, of the need for change. Some have begun to lobby capital hill for stronger restraints on corporate media consolidation. Some have drafted recommended codes of conduct for corporate advertisers. Some have taken […]

Harbinger Vol. 3 No. 1 — The Communalist Project

Whether the twenty-first century will be the most radical of times or the most reactionary—or will simply lapse into a gray era of dismal mediocrity—will depend overwhelmingly upon the kind of social movement and program that social radicals create out of the theoretical, organizational, and political wealth that has accumulated during the past two centuries […]