
Mining Humanity: Genetic Research, Indigenous Resistance and the Human Genome Diversity Project

As originally published in Toward Freedom, Winter 1998/99 Recent opposition to biotechnology and genetic engineering has focused on these technologies’ implications for food and agriculture. This is entirely necessary, as tens of millions of acres of U.S. farm land are being planted with genetically engineered crops that have serious consequences for our health, and for […]

The Texas-Vermont-Maine Nuclear Dump: Bringing Environmental Racism Home

Brian Tokar and Gary Oliver The Green Mountains of Vermont evoke an image of rolling hills as far as the eye can see, snow-covered mountain peaks and sparkling clear rivers, rough hewn farmsteads and a unique variety of down-home progressive politics. In April of 1994, the Vermont legislature passed a bill establishing an unprecedented compact […]

Education for Social Change

The below lecture was presented by Dr. Daniel Chodorkoff, director of the Institute for Social Ecology, at the Annual Reunion of the Friends of the Modern School on September 20th, 1998. This article was originally printed in the Atlantic Anarchist Circle Newsletter, No.6 autumn 1998. It’s really an honor to be here. It’s very humbling […]

Monsanto: A Checkered History

This article orignially appeard in The Ecologist, September/October 1998 and translated and reprinted in Courrier International (France), Global Økologi (Denmark) and other international publications. Monsanto’s high-profile advertisements in Britain and the U.S. depict the corporation as a visionary, world-historical force, working to bring state-of-the-art science and an environmentally responsible outlook to the solution of humanity’s […]

A Politics for the 21st Century

This speech was originally presented to the International Conference on the Politics of Social Ecology: Libertarian Municipalism in Lisbon, August 26, 1998 Thank you for the privilege of addressing your conference on libertarian municipalism, if only by means of a videotape. Unfortunately, I am incapable of attending the conference because of my physical infirmities and […]

Redeeming Reason: Domination and Reconciliation in Dialectic of Enlightenment

Because too much thinking, unwavering autonomy, makes conforming to the administered world difficult and causes suffering, countless people project this suffering, which is in fact socially dictated, onto reason as such. Reason is supposed to have brought suffering and disaster into the world. The dialectic of enlightenment, which must indeed name the price of progress, […]

Left Green Perspectives [an introduction]

Left Green Perspectives (formerly Green Perspectives) A Social Ecology Publication The Social Ecology Project With the emergence of a new millennium, it should not be surprising that old socialist ideologies–borne of the Industrial Revolution–are no longer adequate to encompass the sweeping social changes that have occurred over the past two centuries. As transnational capitalism, facilitated […]

Whither Anarchism? A Reply to Recent Anarchist Critics

Liberty without socialism is privilege and injustice. Socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality. — Mikhail Bakunin What form will anarchism take as it enters the twenty-first century? What basic ideas will it advance? What kind of movement, if any, will it try to create? How will it try to change the human sensibilities and […]

Greenhouse Politics

The Clinton Administration is counting on the “free market” to forestall global climate change without challenging the energy industry. Originally published in Z Magazine, December 1997. This December, heads of state from some 180 countries will convene in Kyoto, Japan in an attempt to negotiate the first internationally binding treaty to control levels of carbon […]

From a Critique of Corporate Power to a Critique of Capitalism

(this article co-written with Jay Driskell) Note: This piece was originally written in 1997, before Seattle and the re-emergence of a radical grassroots international movement explicitly opposed to capitalism, at a time when anarchist and anticapitalist perspectives were still marginal within the movement against “globalization.” We’re reprinting it now because we think the ideas it […]