
New writing on utopias

ISE alum Karl Hardy has edited a special issue of the literary journal Puerto del Sol, focusing on the theme of Utopias!. This special issue (47.2 Fall 2012) features original poetry and prose as well as a ’roundtable’ Q&A with: Kim Stanley Robinson – author of acclaimed utopian novels including The Three Californias, Mars, and […]

Support Food Democracy at Green Mountain College

The fate of a pair of oxen at Green Mountain College’s Cerridwen Farm (Poultney, VT) has attracted national media attention, but not because of the exemplary way the administration at this small college has engaged students in deciding the role of animals in their community food system. Please read the appeal that follows by the […]

New book: “Our Food, Our Right”

This outstanding introduction to today’s community-based food movements is designed by Annie Brulé of SEEDS, the social ecology project on Washington state’s Vashon Island. This review was written for the publisher’s website at

Local food is all the rage these days, and rightfully so. People across the US are increasingly frustrated by the chemical-laden, processed calories that pass for food in most major supermarkets and are increasingly looking to alternative sources, from farmers markets and farm share programs to co-ops and natural food stores. But with food prices rising everywhere, healthy food is in danger of becoming even more of an elite niche market, accessible only to those with surplus income to spend. While some of us will pay more for food that is local, organic and fair-trade, many of our neighbors are often limited by shrinking household budgets to food that is nutrient-deficient, genetically engineered, and potentially hazardous to health.

New book: “Recovering Bookchin”

New Compass Press, based in Norway, has just announced the publication of Recovering Bookchin: Social Ecology and the Crises of Our Time, written by Sheffield Hallam University (UK) Senior Lecturer, Dr. Andy Price. New Compass describes the rationale for this book: Through an extensive body of political and philosophical ideas he called social ecology, Murray […]

Municipalist campaign in Finland

A new post on the New Compass website describes the campaign of several municipal candidates in northern Finland who are running as part of a broader “Free Left” alliance.  The article is an interview with Svante Malmström, who attended the ISE during the mid-2000s.  Svante states that the group’s program … states that the decision-powers […]

New blog from ISE alum Andrea del Moral

From the lead essay, The ateneu of me, at The what? you ask. An ateneu is a community center-café-bar-meeting room-dance hall-library-theatre-gymnasium rolled into one. Ateneus dot the city of Barcelona, and like the lively, layered city itself, they are filled with multiple activities and people of many ages. Unlike Barcelona, they’re often visually uanssuming places, […]

Occupy your Neighborhood, by Dan Chodorkoff

A new essay from Dan Chodorkoff, co-founder of the ISE: Occupy your Neighborhood by Dan Chodorkoff Summer fades to Fall and more than one year has passed since Occupy Wall Street  entered the public arena.  Occupy’s message highlighted capitalism’s inherent injustices, and resonated with a broad cross section of the public.  The initial media frenzy […]

Remembering Barry Commoner, 1917-2012

From The Nation online today, by Occidental College professor, Peter Dreier: At the ISE, we especially remember Barry Commoner for his pioneering advocacy for renewable energy and against nuclear power, his socially and politically conscious approach to environmental sustainability, his work against waste incineration and dioxin contamination in the late 1980s, and his return […]

Seven Left Myths about Capitalism

G. B. Taylor is a former student and long-time supporter of the ISE, currently living in Berlin. Comments and discussion are appreciated: 7 Left Myths about Capitalism G.B. Taylor Occupy Wall Street has renewed hope for a left political renaissance by challenging economic inequality and the neoliberal discourse that legitimated it, and reintroducing the word […]