
The Coronavirus Pandemic, Capitalism, and Nation-States

The pandemic has exposed irreconcilable contradictions in the entity of the nation-state and the capitalist world system.
Without vigilant analysis of the present moment and rigorous critique, we will be risking our entire political freedoms for decades to come. If the historical moment is not acted upon, the crisis will become a catastrophe, and the catastrophe could take us back to an even darker age.

Saladdin Ahmed on the Significance of the Sudanese Revolution

ISE board member Saladdin Ahmed has an insightful new article on “The Significance of the Sudanese Revolution” up at Telos.  Telos has been an important journal of critical theory since 1968, introducing a wide variety of Frankfurt School and French radical thinkers to U.S. audiences as well as publishing occasional articles by ISE co-founder Murray Bookchin. […]