- Please do comment and participate in discussion on posts to this blog. In particular, there have been and continue to be many thoughtful comments made in response to both Matt H’s “Neoliberalism and the Politics of Social Ecology” and Karl Hardy’s “Social Ecology Needs Development, Dissent, Dynamism” as well as J. Kelvyn Richards’ “A Social Ecology.”
- Alumni Updates: we now have over 20 updates listed from former students, faculty, and staff of the ISE. If you’re an alum, please fill out the form and send us an update on what you’re up. We love to hear from old friends!
- Grace Gershuny’s multi-part article “Conflicts Over Organic Standards” has been added to our Article Archive.
- We’ve added Ecologie Sociale, a French language social ecology website to our Global Allies page. Thank you to Vincent Gerber for the suggestion. Additional suggestions are always welcome!
- Several recent (or recently made available) audio and video links have been added to our Audio and Video page.
- Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero, ISE Research Associate based in Puerto Rico, continues to send updates about the ongoing student protests at the University of Puerto Rico. Check out recent articles “Student strike at University of Puerto Rico rocks island and sparks political crisis” and also from the Huffington Post: Is Puerto Rico the Next Egypt? Includes many photos.
- Thanks to Randall Amster for notifying us that the Peace and Justice Studies Association has issued a public statement: “Connecting Militarism and Climate Change.”
- Check out a three-part conversation “Did the Olympics Make Vancouver a Better City?” between Lance Berelowitz and ISE Associate Matt Hern. Part two: “A Year Later, Why Go Downtown?” Part three: “Did Olympics Shift People’s Imagination for Vancouver?”
- Thanks to Jonathan Korsar for posting a commentary by Immanuel Wallerstein, “The World Social Forum, Egypt, and Transformation”