
Enroll Now – New Flexible Online Course!




Our first online course Ecology, Democracy, Utopia was a great success! In response to high demand we are now offering a self-directed course featuring the same video lectures, readings, and discussion forums but without the fixed time commitment of a weekly seminar. This allows for more flexible participation; you can start the course at any time, at your own speed, and according to your own schedule.

FullSizeRender(2)The course is an introduction to social ecology – an interdisciplinary body of ideas that examines social and ecological problems from a transformative and holistic perspective. Students learn the foundations of social ecology and apply these insights to a variety of contemporary political and ecological problems, sharpening their understanding of the world while developing visionary ideas to change it. The course explores a broad range of interconnected themes divided into eight units:

  • What is Social Ecology? 
  • The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy
  • Understanding Nature
  • Capitalism, Critique, Alternatives
  • Technology, Agriculture, and Society
  • Politics Beyond the State: Direct Democracy & Popular Assemblies
  • Getting from Here to There: Social Movements and Community Organizing
  • Reconstructive Vision: Reclaiming Utopia

To Register: Email us at; once you’ve paid the $50 registration fee here we’ll send you the links, instructions, and syllabus to start the course immediately.

Goddard Partnership: Students who enroll at Goddard College before or after successfully completing the course are eligible to earn up to three college transfer credits at the undergraduate level. Students seeking credit must complete additional writing assignments and a project. Write for more information.

We look forward to learning and changing the world together!