
Announcing the Purple Thistle Institute

Passing along the exciting news of the launch of the Purple Thistle Institute from Matt Hern, an associate of the ISE who has lectured and published widely on alternative education topics: WHAT IS IT? The PTI will be something like an alternative university, or maybe better: an alternative‐to‐ university. The idea is to bring together […]

New installation “Reframing Eden” by Beverly Naidus

Passing along this announcement of a new installation by Beverly Naidus, an associate of the ISE: “REFRAMING EDEN” an audience-participatory installation at VALISE gallery, VASHON, WA, Jan 2011 During the month of January 2011, VALISE gallery is pleased to host the work of two Vashon artists, Beverly Naidus (a member of the VALISE collective) and […]

Environmental Anarchism in Vermont

Check out this article (attributed to “WeiLai”) posted to – it references the work of Murray Bookchin as well as the ISE (albeit tangentially) as well as the Global Justice Ecology Project. Here’s the first two paragraphs: To fully understand the context of global environmental problems, one must assess the role that humans have […]

Video: Grace Gershuny speaks at Rutgers University

ISE Board Member Grace Gershuny recently spoke on a variety of food and (organic) agriculture-related topics at Rutgers University. Click the link below to access the video. (It’s recommended that viewers download an updated free version of Microsoft Silverlight.)

2010 books featuring social ecology authors

Toward Climate Justice Perspectives on the Climate Crisis & Social Change By Brian Tokar From Communalism Press, Porsgrunn, Norway The emerging global movement for climate justice highlights the social justice and human rights dimensions of global climate disruptions, while challenging corporate-driven false solutions, and using creative direct action to press for real, systemic changes. Brian […]

Communalism (2009-2010)

Social ecologists in Norway and Sweden have been publishing Communalism as an online webzine for many years, and published two outstanding print issues in 2009 and 2010. Their website at is currently being redesigned, and more information about these journals will be available shortly.

Left Green Perspectives (1986-1998)

Left Green Perspectives was published by Murray Bookchin and Janet Biehl between 1986 and 1998. Our archive begins on page 3 below with a complete table of contents.

Society and Nature (1992-1995)

Between 1992 and 1995, the Institute supported the publication of 7 issues of the journal Society and Nature, which was edited by ISE alumnus Pavlos Stavropoulos in Colorado, along with Takis Fotopolous in the U.K. and several colleagues in Greece, who published a Greek-language edition. In 1995, the journal changed its name to Democracy and Nature and, over time, its focus shifted away from social ecology. Archives, including the full text of many articles, can be found at Takis Fotopoulos continues to publish the International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, which he founded in 2004.

Workshop details: ISE at the US Social Forum

Here are full descriptions of the ISE’s offerings at the US Social Forum: False Solutions and Real Solutions to Climate Change Thurs. Jun 24 2010 – 1-5 pm               Cobo Hall: D3-22 Cosponsored with the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities Collaborating Organizations: Little Village Environmental Justice Organization, Biofuelwatch, Rising Tide, Institute for Policy Studies (with ETC […]

ISE at the US Social Forum in Detroit, June 22-26

The Institute for Social Ecology is participating in 4 sessions at the upcoming US Social Forum. Please join us! False Solutions and Real Solutions to Climate Change Thurs. Jun 24 2010 – 1-5 pm Cobo Hall: D3-22 Co-sponsored with the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities From Climate Crisis to Collective Commons: Renewable Energy from Below […]