Register Now: Food & Climate Justice class begins May 12th
Class will run from May 12-June 16, 2022, Thursdays from 1 – 3 PM US Eastern time. Instructors: Grace Gershuny and Brian Tokar, featuring international guests As the world faces intersecting crises of climate, health, and multiple social inequities, movements for climate and food justice are playing a central role toward developing a community-centered grassroots […]
Vermont’s Town Meetings: A Living Tradition
By Brian Tokar Presented at the first annual conference of the Transnational Institute of Social Ecology, Myrtos, Greece, March 2013. Those familiar with the origins of Murray Bookchin’s political strategy of libertarian municipalism are aware of the central role of Vermont’s rural town meeting tradition in the development of Bookchin’s unique approach to localist politics. […]