Mobilization Website and Updates from Sacramento
For detailed reports from the Sacramento mobilization, June 20-25th, 2003, see the Indymedia Portland website. Additional images and updates are available from Biotech IMC.
Followup from Sacramento: Photos and Community Garden victory!
Z Magazine cover story: Countering Biotech and “Free Trade” in Sacramento
Sacramento Mobilization update: Mandella Garden Legal Victory!
Superior Court of California, in the County of Sacramento, ruled in favor of the Ron Mandella Community Garden in a lawsuit charging that the Capitol Area Development Authority (CADA) had failed to comply with regulations specified under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in the planning of the proposed Fremont MEWS project.
Via Campesina Call to Action for Sacramento
The international farmers’ movement Via Campesina denounces the Sacramento “Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology” and insists that governments do not participate in this event.
The resistant spirit of Seattle, D.C., Prague, and Quebec is alive and
flows through Sacramento toward Cancún and beyond…
Countering Biotech and “Free Trade” in Sacramento
By Brian Tokar and Doyle Canning, Institute for Social Ecology Biotechnology Project For Z Magazine, September, 2003 Last winter, US Agriculture Secretary Anne Veneman announced plans for an international conference on agricultural technology just three months prior to the upcoming WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun, Mexico. Veneman, a former board member of Calgene, an early […]
Agribusiness, Biotechnology and War
Most of the chemical “tools” taken for granted by modern agribusiness are products of warfare. What does it tell us about the new technologies of genetic manipulation that the very same companies posit as the centerpiece of the current generation of crop “improvement” technologies?
Why We Should Mobilize on the Sacramento Ministerial
The Sacramento summit gives social and environmental justice movements a unique opportunity to act in solidarity with movements around the world, and to highlight some of the most pressing issues of our time: the threat of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) to ecosystems and human health; the ever widening gap between the very rich and very poor; the increasing use of trade agreements to subvert democratic process; and the unchecked power of multinational corporations over our food, our farms, and our future.
USDA Announces WTO-Level Ministerial Conference for Sacramento
Veneman announces agricultural science and technology ministerial conference