
Against Climate Geoengineering – A response to Jacobin

From Keith Brunner, a union organizer in Burlington, Vermont and a friend of the ISE. This was originally submitted to Jacobin in response to an article by their editorial board member, Peter Frase, but Keith has not received any response from them. A Socialist Case Against Climate Geoengineering Since the 2015 UN Paris Agreement, climate […]

2 Recent talks by Dan Chodorkoff

Here are videos of 2 recent talks by Dan Chodorkoff, who co-founded the ISE together with Murray Bookchin back in 1974.  The first is from a panel on Social Ecology and Urban Movements, held at the Ecopolis Social Centre in Thessaloniki, Greece in September 2017.  The second was recorded in early February 2018 at McGill […]

Social Ecology Summer Intensive: June 8-13, Poulsbo, WA.

We had a superbly successful Social Ecology Summer Intensive June 8-13, 2018 at the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in Poulsbo, Washington. Stay tuned this coming winter for announcements of our 2019 Intensives, tentatively planned for both Vermont and British Columbia!

New Online Course: Social Transformation Beyond Pragmatism or Utopia

Social Transformation Beyond Pragmatism and Utopia is a three-session seminar that explores theoretical and practical dilemmas posed by the tension between utopia and pragmatism in communalism’s political vision. First taught in the spring of 2018 by long-time ISE affiliate Robert Ogman, the course will meet again this fall. Stay tuned for details!

“Murray Bookchin Has a Posse” Pin Fundraiser!

Our friends from Demand Utopia in Portland have made some very cool “Murray Bookchin Has a Posse” pins! Proceeds will go towards funding the first translation of Murray Bookchin’s work into Arabic.

The Growth Paradigm: Measuring Nothing

The following essay is an excerpt from America’s Addiction to Automobiles by Chad Frederick. The book argues that contrary to the ethos of much contemporary urban planning, simply increasing the multimodal infrastructure of our cities is not enough to free them from automobile dependency. This task requires that we change the underlying logic of city governance, away from the growth paradigm to the sustainable development paradigm, with equity at its center.

Urgent news from Afrin, Rojava

Update from Hawzhin Azeez of the Kobane Reconstruction Board in Rojava: In the last hour Erdogan’s air force attacked and bombarded Afrin. Hevals noted over 72 planes flying over Afrin and bombing indiscriminately. Hevals also confirm that direct conflict with Turkish backed terrorist groups have occurred. Two tanks have been captured by the SDF/YPG/YPJ and […]

Social Ecology: Communalism against Climate Chaos

An article by ISE board member Brian Tokar, featured in the Winter 2018 issue of ROAR Magazine with an overall theme of System Change: “To address the full magnitude of the climate crisis and maintain a habitable planet for future generations we need to shatter the myths of capitalist growth once and for all.”