
Social Ecology Summer Intensive: June 8-13, Poulsbo, WA.

We had a superbly successful Social Ecology Summer Intensive June 8-13, 2018 at the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in Poulsbo, Washington. Stay tuned this coming winter for announcements of our 2019 Intensives, tentatively planned for both Vermont and British Columbia!

From our recent intensive in San Francisco

We had a truly exceptional time at our recent social ecology seminar in San Francisco.  Thanks to Michelle Glowa and everyone at the California Institute for Integral Studies who made it possible, and to our incredible class of participants from all across North America and around the world!  You can view the full schedule, and […]

San Francisco Summer Intensive Program and Courses

2017 ISE Summer Intensive Schedule Sat 6/10 9-10                Introductions and welcoming 10-11:30          Foundations of Social Ecology (Dan Chodorkoff) 11:45-1:15       Philosophy and Politics of Social Ecology (Chaia Heller) Lunch 2:30-4:30         Understanding capitalism and the current crisis (Eddie Yuen & Peter Staudenmaier) 4:45- 6             The Rise of the Right: Making Sense of Populism, Authoritarianism, and Fascism […]

16 Year Anniversary of A16 IMF/World Bank Protest – Bringing Democracy Home

ISE faculty and students were key organizers and active participants in the alterglobalization movement. To commemorate the 16th anniversary of the “A16” action in Washington D.C. and the important role played by Social Ecologists in this movement, we’re posting the widely-read Bringing Democracy Home pamphlet that helped give the movement its political flavor. Although written 16 years ago, its insights remain as relevant as ever.

Save the Date! 2016 Summer Intensive Program

Join us in the Hudson Valley in August for a week-long program on Democracy, Ecology & Social Movements, also featuring an advanced track on the politics and philosophy of social ecology.