
Epistemologies of Freedom: Interview with a young Kurdish revolutionary

Interview with a young revolutionary from Kobane, also a careful student of Ocalan’s thinking. He offers a brief account of his experiences as well as reflections on the Rojava Revolution, social ecology, and Turkey’s recent betrayal of the Kurdish Movement: “Unless the Middle East overcomes the nation-state, it can never be a peaceful region.”

On the Necessity of Dialectical Naturalism

A recent article in the journal Antipode situates Murray Bookchin’s theory of dialectical naturalism within the broader dialectical tradition, and contrasts his approach with Herbert Marcuse’s technological pessimism.

New collection of Murray Bookchin’s political essays

From Athens to New York, recent mass movements around the world have challenged austerity and authoritarianism with expressions of real democracy. For more than forty years, Murray Bookchin developed these democratic aspirations into a new left politics, influencing political thinkers and social movements alike.