
What’s Next for the Occupy Movement?

This commentary by Brian Tokar will appear in the winter issue of Broadcast, the newsletter of SEEDS, the Social Ecology Education and Demonstration School, based in Seattle and Vashon, Washington: Since mid-September, actions inspired by the Occupy Wall Street encampment in New York have awakened the imaginations of people worldwide. Just as the movement approached […]

Libertarian Municipalism events in Geneva

Vincent Gerber reports from Geneva that the city’s annual “Anarchist Week” events will run from Tues.-Sat., December 6-10, and will focus on Murray Bookchin’s concept of libertarian municipalism, a social ecological strategy for confederal direct democracy, rooted at the municipal level. Full details are at Schedule highlights: Tuesday, 12/8: Film showing: “Ici et Maintenant” […]

New from Annie Leonard and Naomi Klein

From Story of Stuff creator Annie Leonard, we now have an accessible and visually engaging outlook on the financial crisis, deficit mania in Washington, and how to shift public funds toward a greener future. She makes a few compromises in the pursuit of mainstream appeal that may not sit so well with social ecologists — […]

Dan LaBotz: The Power of Occupation

This beautifully written article by author/activist Dan LaBotz asks, “Where does the tremendous power of the occupation of city spaces, particularly the square, come from?” He replies that it’s powerful because it resonates with the long history of popular revolts, since ancient times, that were often rooted in the utopian dimensions of the city itself. […]

New book: Food Movements Unite!

From Food First Books in Oakland. Brian Tokar’s essay, “Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice,” is included: Food Movements Unite! Edited by Eric Holt- Giménez Examining the power of the people in transforming our food systems, this book argues that the global food movement is as creative and powerful as it is diverse and widespread. The […]

OWS’ historical antecedents: 2 articles

Here are links to 2 interesting commentaries addressing historical antecedents to the Occupy Wall Street movement. In a recent column, Chris Hedges interviewed an OWS participant in New York and used this to introduce some perceptive comments about the historic role of the underclass in political movements, drawing on the 19th century debates between Bakunin […]

Occupy Wall Street protests go global

A comprehensive global round-up from journalist Bill Weinberg’s invaluable World War 4 Report:

Under the slogan “From Tahrir Square to Times Square,” the Occupy Wall Street movement reports demonstrations in over 1,500 cities across the globe Oct. 15, including over 100 US cities from coast to coast. In New York, […]

“Occupied Wall St. Journal” online + More photos

Here’s the word, direct from the streets of New York: First issue: Second issue: Also the Atlantic Monthly has an outstanding set of photos from the October 5th support rally for Occupy Wall Street, along with allied events across the US, at And Jim Ennis, who teaches sociology at Tufts University has […]

Reflections from Occupy Amherst

by Ben Grosscup October 9, 2011 When I heard that a “general assembly” had been called for the Amherst Common to organize an Occupy Amherst movement, I had a sense that there was some kind of opening for new political possibilities in my community. I have seen and participated in many organizing efforts opposing militarism, […]

Photos from Occupy Wall St. support demo Weds. 10/5

All photos are © 2011 by Eliot Tokar, whose website is Brian Tokar’s brother Eliot is interviewed about his Tibetan medicine practice at More of his Wall St. photos can be seen at