
New book: Civilization, Oikos and Progress

From ISE alum. Atle Hesmyr in Norway.  Atle has previously translated Kropotkin’s The Great French Revolution and Bookchin’s Remaking Society into Norwegian, among other projects: Civilization, Oikos and Progress is a collection of essays on the foundations of civilization and the various developments within western civilization since its inception in ancient Greece and all the […]

A new social ecology book in French

Vincent Gerber, a social ecologist from Switzerland, has written a new book about the life and work of Murray Bookchin. Murray Bookchin et l’écologie sociale, une biographie intellectuelle (published by Ecosociété) presents the main principles of social ecology and the story of their emergence through the life of Murray Bookchin. It offers an historical and […]

Report from the January ISE intensive

by Eleanor Finley This year the Institute for Social Ecology hosted its annual week-long Winter Intensive program in Northampton, Massachusetts. Participants gathered at the Northampton Friends Meetinghouse, a bright, serene space in the heart of downtown Northampton. Classes were held each day from 9 to 6:45, with eight instructors lecturing and leading discussions on topics […]

Libertarian Municipalism and Citizen’s Movements in France

Hadrien Delahousse presented the following essay at the 2012 Social Ecology colloquium in Marshfield, Vermont.  This is his revised version, which seeks to incorporate some of the themes we discussed last summer in Vermont: How Libertarian Municipalism Can Help Citizen’s Movements in France Libertarian Municipalism is very little known in France. The idea of a […]

Soliman Lawrence on the revival of Jewish culture in Poland

ISE alum and former summer staff member Soliman Lawrence has been living in Berlin for many years and working as a documentary photographer. Recently he was interviewed by the popular German news magazine, Die Zeit, on his series of photographs documenting the recent revival of Jewish culture in Poland. Soli’s work explores the central paradox of […]

New documentary on “Europe’s Last Revolution”

We’ve received notice of a documentary film, currently in production, that tells the story of the expropriated and collectively managed factories in northern Spain during the lead-up to the Spanish Civil War. The full title is translated as Collective Economy: Europe’s Last Revolution. Readers may recall Sam Dolgoff’s landmark book, The Anarchist Collectives, which was prefaced […]

“Occupy, Debt, Finance & Class Struggle”

This short essay by ISE alum, Rob Ogman, offers an insightful perspective on these issues.  Was the financial crisis partly a product of labor’s decline? How was Occupy a “coming out” event for the “graduates without a future”? How can we make debt cancellation a reality?  Full text at

Paradise Lot: New book from 2 ISE alums.!

Paradise Lot: Two Plant Geeks, One-Tenth of an Acre, and the Making of an Edible Garden Oasis in the City   by Eric Toensmeier and Jonathan Bates   Information from Chelsea Green Books. Their link also contains ordering information.   When Eric Toensmeier and Jonathan Bates moved into a duplex in a run-down part of […]

“The Day After Hurricane Sandy”

An exceptional review of the personal and political aftermath of the recent superstorm, written by the inimitable Nicholas Powers of  New York City’s Indypendent newspaper: Some excerpts: New Yorkers solemnly nodded when told about Gotham’s climate refugees. They were victims whose homelessness was not their fault. But beneath the sympathy were long lines of […]

New Book & website: Public Health and Social Justice

From Martin Donohoe, a Portland, Oregon medical doctor and long-time supporter of efforts to expose the hazards of GMOs: His website contains a vast archive of articles, slide shows, syllabi, and other documents relevant to topics in more than 30 key areas of public health and social justice. Regarding Dr. Donohoe’s book, Dr. […]