
On Marx, Bakunin and revolutionary internationalism

ISE supporter Richard Greeman is a retired professor, was a colleague of Cornelius Castoriadis, Raya Dunayevskaya and Immanuel Wallerstein, and is a prolific translator of the anti-authoritarian Russian revolutionary Victor Serge. Richard is a founder of the Praxis Research and Education Center, based in Moscow, and director of the Victor Serge Foundation. This essay is […]

Turkish Army burning Kurdish forests: Call for a delegation

From the Mesopotamian Ecology Movement, August 18, 2015 With the restart of the war in North-Kurdistan by Turkish state in end of July 2015 the Turkish Army has started to burn down forests. After 2,5 years of negotiations about the start of a peace process between the Turkish government and the Kurdish Freedom Movement, the […]

On Bookchin & the Kurds + New solidarity project

An excellent overview of the Kurdish movement and its influences from social ecology has just been posted on ROARMagazine.  Also the New Compass, based in Norway, has just posted a link to a new Kurdish solidarity project, based in Greece. Here’s an excerpt from the ROAR article: In his 2005 pamphlet, Declaration of Democratic Confederalism, […]

VT/NY Day of Action vs. extreme energy transport

From our good friends at Rising Tide VT and Green Mountain Earth First! Photos are courtesy of Popular Resistance and the Earth First! Newswire. More details on the Williston action vs. pipeline construction and the trans & women’s action on the Champlain Bridge can be found here: Nine arrested while hundreds rally in day of […]

On the Necessity of Dialectical Naturalism

A recent article in the journal Antipode situates Murray Bookchin’s theory of dialectical naturalism within the broader dialectical tradition, and contrasts his approach with Herbert Marcuse’s technological pessimism.

2014 Social Ecology Intensive Seminar

January 3-10, 2014 in Denton, Texas This year Texas has become an inspirational focal point in struggles for reproductive rights, anti-racism, climate justice, and democracy. This January, the Institute for Social Ecology (ISE) will be coming for the first time to Texas (just 40 min. north of Dallas) to offer a 7-day Intensive Seminar. During […]

European social ecologists meet in Greece

Brian Tokar represented the ISE at the first gathering of a new network of European social ecologists in the village of Myrtos on the island of Crete from March 21st – 24th. The network is known as the Transnational Institute for Social Ecology, and has established a European board and an international Advisory Council. The […]

New book: Civilization, Oikos and Progress

From ISE alum. Atle Hesmyr in Norway.  Atle has previously translated Kropotkin’s The Great French Revolution and Bookchin’s Remaking Society into Norwegian, among other projects: Civilization, Oikos and Progress is a collection of essays on the foundations of civilization and the various developments within western civilization since its inception in ancient Greece and all the […]

A new social ecology book in French

Vincent Gerber, a social ecologist from Switzerland, has written a new book about the life and work of Murray Bookchin. Murray Bookchin et l’écologie sociale, une biographie intellectuelle (published by Ecosociété) presents the main principles of social ecology and the story of their emergence through the life of Murray Bookchin. It offers an historical and […]

Libertarian Municipalism and Citizen’s Movements in France

Hadrien Delahousse presented the following essay at the 2012 Social Ecology colloquium in Marshfield, Vermont.  This is his revised version, which seeks to incorporate some of the themes we discussed last summer in Vermont: How Libertarian Municipalism Can Help Citizen’s Movements in France Libertarian Municipalism is very little known in France. The idea of a […]