
Invitation and Basic Schedule

You are invited to attend the


May 16-18, 2003 St. Louis, Missouri USA.

Genetic Engineering: A Technology of Corporate Control /



Panel: International Threats to Farms and Farmers

The opening panel at Biodevastation 7, “The International Threat to Farms and
Farmers,” will highlight the destructive impact of corporate policies,
including those of Monsanto, on farms and farmers throughout North America
and around the world.

Convergence at Monsanto’s World Agricultural Forum

The World Agricultural Forum, similar to the World Economic Forum, is a

Monsanto-led, corporate-sponsored opportunity for agribusiness and

biotechnology companies to lobby government leaders from around the world. On Sunday, May 18th, participants in Biodevastation 7 will march and rally at the site of the WAF.

Spring 2003: From Biodevastation to Biojustice

Announcing the 2003 Biodevastation/Biojustice events including Biodevastation 7 in St. Louis, the Caravan Acrosss the Cornbelt, response to the Washington, DC BIO convention, and the Sacramento Mobilization around the USDA’s agriculture ministerial. Details here.

Stay tuned to this site

… or contact Friends of the Earth in Washington, DC for the latest on responses to the 2003 BIO convention. Press events and congressional briefings occurred during the lead-up to BIO 2003, featuring speakers from Africa and around the world. George W. Bush was the featured speaker at BIO 2003, and his speech was broadcast live to the delegates assembled at the USDA agricultural technology ministerial in Sacramento.

St. Louis Information

The May 2003 Biodevastation Gathering will be the cutting edge event defining links between environmental racism and the biotechnology industry.

Bike Caravan from St. Louis

We are a group of concerned bicyclists, puppeteers, musicians, farmhands, clowns, cheerleaders, activists, eaters of food and drinkers of water. We are united in a quest to seek out food (thats our fuel) that is not tampered with by biotechnology corporations. We ride for diversity, organic farming, and biojustice everywhere!

Audio: Grosscup Discusses Social Ecology, GMOs in Interview

Listen to an interview with ISE Board member, Ben Grosscup, in which he discusses social ecology, the movement against genetic engineering in food, possibilities for democracy within municipal political institutions, and the limitations of conventional liberal politics in struggles for freedom. From “The Bread and Roses Show” on WXOJ-LPFM, a low power FM community radio station, in Northampton, MA. […]