
Primitivism and Ecofascism

Although some have been surprised by the far right’s enthusiasm for the work of Ted Kaczynski and John Zerzan, social ecology has long warned of both the problematic philosophical assumptions of primitivism and ecofascism. Steve Ongerth describes 6 points of ideological overlap between primitivism and ecofascism.

New online seminar: Frankfurt School Critical Theory

We are excited to announce a new online seminar on Frankfurt School Critical Theory, the famously rich yet challenging body of ideas that has been a foundational influence on social ecology. This seven-session seminar will introduce the core concepts, thinkers, and texts of the tradition, and explore its continued relevance for contemporary political and theoretical questions.

Forms of Freedom: Dual-Power in Fiji

The following is an edited excerpt from an upcoming article on democratic traditions in Fiji by Glenn Hall that will be published in Harbinger: A Journal of Social Ecology.

Video: Insurgent Campaigns and Building Movement Power – An Ecology of Tactics

If you weren’t able to make it to our 2019 Vancouver Intensive, you can check out video from the panel “Insurgent Campaigns and Building Movement Power: An Ecology of Tactics.” Featuring City Councillor Jean Swanson and COPE (Coalition of Progressive Electors) activists Shawn Vullliez and Derrick O’Keefe, the panel explores the interrelation between social movement […]

Saladdin Ahmed on the Significance of the Sudanese Revolution

ISE board member Saladdin Ahmed has an insightful new article on “The Significance of the Sudanese Revolution” up at Telos.  Telos has been an important journal of critical theory since 1968, introducing a wide variety of Frankfurt School and French radical thinkers to U.S. audiences as well as publishing occasional articles by ISE co-founder Murray Bookchin. […]

Climate action in Rojava

“To defend nature, we must organize” – Greetings from Rojava to the climate movement! An action took place in the city of Qamislo in Rojava as part of the global action day of the climate movement, “FridaysForFuture.” Together with the city administration of Qamislo, internationalists from Make Rojava Green Again demonstrated with students of the […]

Rethinking Social Transformation online seminar: Apr. 29-May 27

Enroll today for the spring session of our online seminar Rethinking Social Transformation! Taught by ISE faculty Rob Ogman, this five-session seminar that explores the challenges and possibilities of linking emancipatory vision to practical political engagement in the current historical context. It meets Mondays at 3 pm ET from April 29 to May 27. The course […]

Introduction to Social Ecology online seminar starts April 8 – enroll today!

Our popular introductory seminar Ecology Democracy Utopia starts again next week, meeting Mondays at 10 am PST/1 pm ET April 8 through May 27. Write us to enroll today! This eight-week seminar provides a comprehensive overview of Social Ecology, exploring a broad range of interconnected themes including social hierarchy and domination, nature philosophy, capitalism, technology […]