
Symbiosis Northeast Regional Gathering in NYC

Participants in the May gathering were united by a strong left-libertarian outlook rooted in municipalism, autonomy and aspirations toward a broadly defined communalist politics.

25 Years of GMOs

In the winter of 1996, Monsanto and a few other companies first began to sell genetically engineered seeds to commercial growers. A new book offers important insights on the complex dynamics of power and compliance and how they drive acceptance of GMOs in countries like Argentina.

Social Ecology: Communalism against Climate Chaos

An article by ISE board member Brian Tokar, featured in the Winter 2018 issue of ROAR Magazine with an overall theme of System Change: “To address the full magnitude of the climate crisis and maintain a habitable planet for future generations we need to shatter the myths of capitalist growth once and for all.”

Is the Paris climate conference designed to fail?

… by ISE director Brian Tokar. Addressing common myths about the upcoming Paris conference, how events since the 2009 Copenhagen conference have set the stage for what could be a fatally flawed agreement, and how activists in Europe and the US are responding. available at CommonDreams, Counterpunch, ZNet, New Compass, Toward Freedom, and a terrific new website, Paris Climate Justice.