
Social Ecology against Ecofascism

ISE Program Director Blair Taylor was recently interviewed by Vox on rising right wing environmentalism and ecofascism, the difference between the two, and why social ecology offers an antidote to racist, authoritarian ecologies:

25 Years of GMOs

In the winter of 1996, Monsanto and a few other companies first began to sell genetically engineered seeds to commercial growers. A new book offers important insights on the complex dynamics of power and compliance and how they drive acceptance of GMOs in countries like Argentina.

New social ecology zine [third nature] now out!

[third nature] is a bimonthly zine created by the social ecology organization Live Oak Radical Ecology located in North Florida. This second issue, published in February 2021, features essays on food sovereignty, renewing communal life, DIY ecological stewardship and more, along with art and graphics bursting with bloomer energy.

Murray Bookchin Centennial Conference & Events

2021 marks the centennial of the birth of Murray Bookchin, the founding theorist of social ecology and co-founder of the Institute for Social Ecology. We are excited to announce a year-long series of events to celebrate 100 years of Bookchin!

Social Ecology in Thailand

Din Deng, a radical journal focused on Thailand and Southeast Asia, has published the first Thai translation of Social Ecology: An Ecological Humanism, by ISE co-founder Dan Chodorkoff.

Srsly Wrong’s liberatory laughter

Steven R. D. Henderson Some forms of freedom are funny. For laughter holds hopeful seeds of a different world. Humour and democracy are similar. Adam Krause explains the former requires, “An understanding of, and an ability to move between, various modes of speaking and being.”[1] The latter needs cooperation with that same difference. It’s for […]

Reimagining a World where Justice is Possible

Salddin Ahmed on the uprising against white supremacy sparked by the murder of George Floyd. “The real looters are the 1%, not those who have been robbed of their livelihood. The real thugs are the ruling elites who habitually associate looting and violence with the victims… A world that does not have a place for black people is too small, too stupid, and too violent to be fixed. Instead, it must be reimagined and reconstructed. “