

The world’s largest convention of biotech and pharmaceutical executives is coming to Philadelphia this June.

Join us to resist their closed-door corporate agenda of GE agriculture, health care for profit, and bioweapons proliferation.

Give voice to a different vision of local food sovereignty, fair trade, health care for all, community power, biodiversity and honest science.

BIODEMOCRACY 2005: Reclaim the Commons!

CALLING ON ALL PEOPLE who resent the demise of democracy and hold to the promise of authentic popular empowerment! All who dare to paint poems of resistance on walls of oppression, dance in city streets in defiance of police states, and plant seeds of sedition in the shadows of Empire: come to Philadelphia! As the world’s leading agents of eco-devastation and medical malpractice meet here in June, we cannot stand quiet. Join us to challenge the corporate crime, poisons for profit, and flagrant lies of the biotechnology industry, at the time of their annual international convention, with a creative uprising for truth, life and justice!

[end of original ‘Biodev’ front page]

From this point on, we recommend clicking on the individual events in the right-hand column, rather than continuing to scroll through the archive from this page. Posts on this page are organized by date of re-posting and will not necessary follow the most logical sequence.

Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed

(Published Friday, June 17, 2005)

This week, some 15,000 biotechnology executives are gathering in Philadelphia for their annual convention, dubbed ‘BIO 2005.’ BIO, more properly the Biotechnology Industry Organization, is the largest biotechnology lobbying organization in the world. Its leaders have spent millions of dollars trying to paint their conventioneers as an altruistic and scientifically-minded group, seeking cures to human disease and solutions to feed the world’s hungry. A look behind the scenes, however, tells a rather different story…

June 21st Day of Action info.

Biodemocracy Summer Solstice Day of Action, June 21, 2005, with actions focusing on Healthcare for All, Environmental Justice and Sustainable Agriculture, and Bioweapons and War.

Biodemocracy 2005 Statement of Unity

Our survival, well-being, common heritage and democracy are currently under attack by the biotechnology industry. Without the knowledge or consent of the public, biotech corporations and government collaborators are making sweeping decisions about the future of life and human society on earth. We, a coalition of diverse groups and individuals, call for democratic participation in all such decisions, and for an immediate halt to the use of biotechnologies that threaten and harm the natural world, human health, and our prospects for a sustainable future.