
40th anniversary greetings from Australia!

“And what a journey it has been over those 40 years – with great successes, numerous challenges and some ‘failures’, all of which we can learn from in going forwards.”

Latin Americans debate ‘extractivism’

In a comprehensive review article in the Fall 2014 issue of Green Social Thought, long-time Left Green activist Don Fitz offers an insightful analysis of the current debates over ‘extractivism’ in Latin America.  While most environmental and indigenous activists are highly critical of the elevated levels of resource extraction that are occurring under nominally leftist […]

“Ecological Challenges” conference in Oslo

The weekend immediately following the gigantic People’s Climate March in New York City, social ecologists and others will be gathering in Oslo for this important event: Ecological Challenges: Oslo 2014 Conference 25-27 September 2014 The ecology movement deals with the greatest social and political challenge of our time: climate change. How should we meet this […]

Don’t Mourn, Organize! A Social Ecology Panel at the 2014 Left Forum

This year, the annual Left Forum was held on May 30st through June 1st at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. The conference and its theme, Reform and/or Revolution: Imagining a World with Transformative Justice, attracted scholars and activists from across many social, environmental and labor movements including Occupy Wall […]

The return of “scientific” racism

Alan Goodman, a professor at Hampshire College, co-director of the American Anthropological Association’s Understanding Race project, and long-time friend of the ISE, has posted a review on of a disturbing new book by New York Times science writer Nicholas Wade, which aims to revive long-discredited theories proposing a biological basis for racial divisions among […]

Social ecologists at the Left Forum in NY City

Once again, faculty and associates of the ISE will be participating in several panels at the annual Left Forum, scheduled for May 30th – June 1st in New York City.  Following huge turnouts that stretched the limits of available spaces at Pace University, the Forum has been moved uptown to the John Jay College of […]

Report from European social ecology meeting

Dan Chodorkoff reports from the recent European social ecology meeting in Greece: TRISE, the Transnational Institute for Social Ecology held its second annual meeting in Marathon Greece from April 23-27th.    The organization is a primarily European effort to develop and disseminate the ideas of social ecology, with an emphasis on urban issues and the active […]

Jerome Roos: Why is there less protest today?

In a recent post to his website,, Jerome Roos unpacks 2 recent articles aiming to explain the apparent decline in protest since 2011, and suggests some explanations of his own, focused on the triad of precarity, anxiety, and perceived futility.  Roos argues that there’s considerably more protest in the US and Europe than there […]

Tikkun Magazine symposium: Does America Need a Left?

This special feature in Tikkun‘s Spring 2014 issue contains many prominent voices, including three people with long histories with the Institute for Social Ecology: Chaia Heller, Blair Taylor and Janet Biehl.  They join other well-known writers, including Barbara Ehrenreich, Stanley Aronowitz and Michael Lerner, in addressing this important question. This Table of Contents mirrors the […]