
VT History panels on communes & cooperatives

ISE faculty and board members Dan Chodorkoff and Grace Gershuny are presenting on 2 panels for the Vermont History Association’s annual meeting, Sat. Sept. 21st at the Pavilion auditorium next to the VT State House in Montpelier. Dan will be on the “Colleges and Communes” panel at 1:15 and Grace is on a Cooperatives panel […]

Vermont Yankee is closing!

Let’s celebrate, unify allied struggles, and focus on fights to come By Ben Grosscup The announcement this week that Vermont Yankee – the 41 year old nuclear power plant in southern Vermont that has been an object of derision for decades for anti-nuclear social movement activists – will be closed is an opportunity for climate […]

What would real democracy look like?

Norwegian social ecologist Camilla Hansen, a member of the New Compass publishing collective, has posted an exceptionally comprehensive overview of current models of direct democracy that are in use today around the world.  Camilla offers a clear analysis of the potentialities of each model, the obstacles to their fullest realization, and the need for a […]

A French fiction on municipal direct democracy

Vincent Gerber in Geneva writes: Hadrien Delahousse, whom some of you met in Vermont last year [and at the TRISE meeting in Greece –ed.], has lent me an interesting book (in French) : “La commune libre de Saint-Martin” by Jean-François Aupetitgendre (pseudonym), edited by Les éditions libertaires in 2012. It could be called a political […]

Communalism Issue #2

Two issues of the print journal, Communalism, were published in Norway in 2009-2010 by the collective that now produces the New Compass webzine. This was the Spring/Summer 2010 issue.

Featured authors include: Mat Little, Brian Tokar, Ken Furan, Teresa Hayter, Atle Hesmyr, Matthias Küntzel, Ben Grosscup, and Sveinung Legard.

Communalism Issue #1

Two issues of the print journal, Communalism, were published in Norway in 2009-2010 by the collective that now produces the New Compass webzine. This issue was published in December 2009.

Includes articles from: Jonathan Korsár, Mat Little, Sveinung Legard, Brian Tokar, Adam Krause, and Andy Price.

Book Review: Gunnar Rundgren’s “Garden Earth”

Garden Earth: From Hunter and Gatherer to Global Capitalism and Thereafter by Gunnar Rundgren Reviewed by Grace Gershuny Gunnar Rundgren is well known in the international organic community as an articulate leader, consultant, theorist, and practitioner of organic agriculture world wide.  A founder of the influential Swedish organic certification program KRAV, he later became President […]

Social Ecology at the annual Left Forum (NYC, June 7-9th)

For the first time in many years, the ISE is presenting a panel at the annual Left Forum, at Pace University, next to City Hall Park in New York City.  Please join us! The revolutionary project of social ecology Sunday, June 9th, 12 noon, Room E307 With Brian Tokar, Dan Chodorkoff, Chaia Heller, and Eleanor […]

Mike Small: Scotland’s Local Food Revolution

ISE alum Mike Small has been working in the Fife district of Scotland to develop new models of organizing around local food. That work has now culminated in a book titled Scotland’s Local Food Revolution. Mike writes: It seems fitting  in the same week that climate warming greenhouse gas reached 400 parts per million for […]

2013 Colloquium: “Social Ecology in an Era of Crisis: Renewal and Reassessment”

August 23-25, 2013 Marshfield, Vermont In the coming year the Institute for Social Ecology will celebrate 40 years as a unique educational haven for critical thought and political action directed towards creating a free and ecological society. We invite friends, colleagues, alumni, and fellow travelers to gather this August to critically reflect on the continued […]