
Eyewitnesses to the Kurdish revolution

Last December a delegation, including social ecologists, visited the Kurdish region of Syria – known as Rojava – to experience their implementation of “democratic confederalism”…

New book reviews and an interview

Reviews are starting to come in for the recent books by Brian Tokar and Dan Chodorkoff that were profiled here:

• The Swiss Ecologie Sociale website has reviewed both books (in French)

• has reviewed Toward Climate Justice

Report and a call to action from Ferguson, MO

ISE board member Negesti Cantave is on the ground in Ferguson and offers this update: In the past 48 hours here in Ferguson, MO I have personally been affected by tear gas, and been in close vicinity to rubber bullets and pepper spray. I was personally directed by either National Guard or county police to […]

Richard Grossman, ¡Presente!

Richard Grossman, activist and thinker ahead of his time by Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero Research Associate, Institute for Social Ecology November 17 2014 This month marks three years since the passing of my good friend, activist and valuable anti-corporate crusader Richard Grossman. What made his work unique was his research and critical thinking on the nature of […]

Kurdish teach-in in NYC: Livestream Tues. 11/18

On Tuesday evening, November 18th, at the City University of New York (160 Convent Avenue in Manhattan, 5-7 pm), will be a panel titled “Kobanê & the Rojava Revolution,” featuring David Phillips, Salih Muslim, Nazan ÃœstündaÄŸ and Mutlu ÇiviroÄŸlu.  The event will be livestreamed at The announcement for this event states in part: The […]

Limits to Growth: Are we there yet?

From ISE Associate Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero: In the last few weeks a public debate has flared up between Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman and environmentalist Richard Heinberg, senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute. Heinberg insists that reverting global warming and overall environmental degradation is impossible without stopping economic growth. Krugman dismissed his arguments in a […]

“Voices of Hope” conference in NYC

The ISE is a cosponsor of Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis, coming up on November 8th at Cooper Union in NYC. This event will help launch the International Alliance for Localization, a new forum for global collaboration to support place-based solutions on a planetary scale. The organizers say on their website: In […]

Leading British filmmaker on Bookchin & the Kurds

The influential documentarian Adam Curtis has posted an excellent, detailed blog post at the BBC on the connection between Murray Bookchin and Abdullah Ocalan of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK). This piece is more explicit about Bookchin’s specific contributions than most of the earlier articles.  The post also features several short film clips of  key […]

Beverly Naidus’ installations in Plymouth, NH

Long time ISE faculty member Beverly Naidus reports that she has two art installations showing through October at Plymouth State College in New Hampshire. One interactive installation is about extinction, “Curtain Call: Portable Altars for Grief and Gratitude” and the other is about the perils and rewards of activism, “AND NOW Behind Curtain #2.” Beverly’s […]

Scarcity, post-scarcity and community after the Italian earthquake

Our good friend and past ISE intensive participant Federico Venturini writes from the University of Leeds in England, where he’s finishing his dissertation on revolutionary social movements in Rio de Janeiro.  You can follow Fede’s blog at; which also features some photos from the recent Ecological Challenges conference in Oslo: I am very pleased to […]