
3rd annual European social ecology conference

Dan Chodorkoff reports: I recently returned from Patras, Greece where I represented the ISE at the third annual conference of TRISE, the Transnational Institute for Social Ecology. The conference drew participants from 13 countries and four continents for four days of discussions around the theme “The Power to Destroy the Power to Create; the Legacy […]

Epistemologies of Freedom: Interview with a young Kurdish revolutionary

Interview with a young revolutionary from Kobane, also a careful student of Ocalan’s thinking. He offers a brief account of his experiences as well as reflections on the Rojava Revolution, social ecology, and Turkey’s recent betrayal of the Kurdish Movement: “Unless the Middle East overcomes the nation-state, it can never be a peaceful region.”

On Europe’s anti-fracking movements

From an article posted to ROAR Magazine by ISE board member Eleanor Finley and UK climate activist Claire Fauset: … The threat of fracking and its nakedly undemocratic geopolitical context lays bare the bankruptcy of capitalism and the state as its attaché. For this reason, we are beginning to see that the global anti-fracking movement […]

Social Ecology, Kurdistan, & the Origins of Freedom

Reflections on a recent visit to Turkey and North Kurdistan. Many Kurdish revolutionaries describe their struggle as one of organic society against authoritarian society and have forged a unique role in the continuing evolution of human freedom.

Ursula LeGuin on Murray Bookchin

“Capitalism’s grow-or-die imperative stands radically at odds with ecology’s imperative of interdependence and limit. The two imperatives can no longer coexist with each other; nor can any society founded on the myth that they can be reconciled hope to survive. Either we will establish an ecological society or society will go under for everyone, irrespective of his or her status.”

“To Revisit Spain,” by Eleanor Finley

“The silence that gathers around Spain, like a bad conscience, attests to the fact that the events are very much alive.” – Murray Bookchin, To Remember Spain.

In the late 1960’s, social ecologist Murray Bookchin traveled throughout Spain and Catalonia collecting the history of Spanish anarchism. Though the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War was highly-publicized throughout the “democratic” west, few accounts ever dealt seriously with the social revolution that took place within in. Furthermore, no definitive history existed of the Spanish anarchism that fueled these events, a political movement dating back to the mid-19th century. Murray set out to write this history and, in the process, shed light on the development of revolutionary Left theory and practice.

Left Green Perspectives [Complete list of issues]

Left Green Perspectives was published regularly between 1986 and early 1999, with an additional issue in January 2000. It originated from the Social Ecology Project in Burlington, Vermont, and was co-edited by Murray Bookchin and Janet Biehl.

Green Perspectives: Missing Issues

Thanks to Vincent Gerber in Geneva, we now have copies of several of the issues of Green Perspectives and Left Green Perspectives that were previously missing from this site as well as from other online sources. Click on Read More for live download links to issues # 9, 11, 12, 13, and 39, as well as links to issues available at and other websites.

Peter Staudenmaier: What is Capitalism?

From long-time ISE faculty member, Peter Staudenmeier, written for the Lexicon pamphlet series sponsored by the Institute for Anarchist Studies. This was originally posted in March 2014 and revised in August 2015: In ancient myths of paradise, people lived in boundless plenty without work or want. The fruits of the earth were freely available to […]