
New social ecology zine [third nature] now out!

[third nature] is a bimonthly zine created by the social ecology organization Live Oak Radical Ecology located in North Florida. This second issue, published in February 2021, features essays on food sovereignty, renewing communal life, DIY ecological stewardship and more, along with art and graphics bursting with bloomer energy.

Upcoming 2021 ISE Online Courses

Check out upcoming 2021 online courses from the Institute for Social Ecology, including Ecology Democracy Utopia (Jan 11), Frankfurt School Critical Theory (Jan 12), Understanding Antisemitism (March 10), and a new course on Food & Climate Justice in March!

Srsly Wrong’s liberatory laughter

Steven R. D. Henderson Some forms of freedom are funny. For laughter holds hopeful seeds of a different world. Humour and democracy are similar. Adam Krause explains the former requires, “An understanding of, and an ability to move between, various modes of speaking and being.”[1] The latter needs cooperation with that same difference. It’s for […]

Popular Front zine review

In the context of crisis and conflict, Popular Front is a voice for the truth; its zine is a valuable addition to this project. Those wanting to learn more can visit or find them on most social media.

ISE Newsletter: Spring/Summer 2020

The ISE has some excellent upcoming programs, so be sure to check out our online Social Ecology Intensive in June, Summer Ecology of Freedom Reading Group, new issue of Harbinger, an invitation to get involved with the ISE, and more!