
“Murray Bookchin Has a Posse” Pin Fundraiser!

Our friends from Demand Utopia in Portland have made some very cool “Murray Bookchin Has a Posse” pins! Proceeds will go towards funding the first translation of Murray Bookchin’s work into Arabic.

The Growth Paradigm: Measuring Nothing

The following essay is an excerpt from America’s Addiction to Automobiles by Chad Frederick. The book argues that contrary to the ethos of much contemporary urban planning, simply increasing the multimodal infrastructure of our cities is not enough to free them from automobile dependency. This task requires that we change the underlying logic of city governance, away from the growth paradigm to the sustainable development paradigm, with equity at its center.

Urgent news from Afrin, Rojava

Update from Hawzhin Azeez of the Kobane Reconstruction Board in Rojava: In the last hour Erdogan’s air force attacked and bombarded Afrin. Hevals noted over 72 planes flying over Afrin and bombing indiscriminately. Hevals also confirm that direct conflict with Turkish backed terrorist groups have occurred. Two tanks have been captured by the SDF/YPG/YPJ and […]

Report: 2nd International Meeting on Social Ecology, Bilbao (Oct. 2017)

The meeting aimed to open up a space for debate among political and social critics, to give visibility to local struggles and alternative forms of political organization, and to make links between all these currents via the frameworks of social ecology and libertarian municipalism.

System Change or Extinction? Thoughts on “The Uninhabitable Earth”

“There are thus two critiques of “The Uninhabitable Earth.” First, Wallace-Wells fails to account for all the positive environmental actions we’re going to take. But he also ignores the negative political actions that are bound to occur. But something is missing here. These two critiques don’t go well together. It just doesn’t make sense that we could make major reductions in emissions with the same old “vicious right-wing minority” in power. If they’re still in charge and pushing wars, we’re screwed. It seems obvious, but apparently bears repeating: environmental change requires political change. Capitalism fuels environmental devastation. We will only halt environmental devastation if we dismantle capitalism.”

From our recent intensive in San Francisco

We had a truly exceptional time at our recent social ecology seminar in San Francisco.  Thanks to Michelle Glowa and everyone at the California Institute for Integral Studies who made it possible, and to our incredible class of participants from all across North America and around the world!  You can view the full schedule, and […]