
Kropotkin and Bookchin discussed on “Libertarian Tradition” podcast

  Murray Bookchin is discussed as part of a “Libertarian Tradition” podcast episode entitled “The Anarchism of Peter Kropotkin.” Interestingly, the “Libertarian Tradition” podcast is hosted by the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a think tank  which (in its own words) was “…founded in 1982 as the research and educational center of classical liberalism, libertarian political theory, […]

Social Ecologist Profile: Peter Staudenmaier of Missoula, MT USA

Please introduce yourself (What kind of work you do, Where you live, etc.) I’ve been active in social ecology circles and affiliated with the ISE since the late 1980s. At the moment I live in Missoula, Montana, where I teach history at the University of Montana and spend a lot of time in the mountains. [Editor’s note: […]

Alston to participate in “Forum on Police Violence, Incarceration and Alternatives”

Here’s the info for this event which is scheduled to include ISE Associate Ashanti Alston: Forum on Police Violence, Incarceration and Alternatives March 18 at 7pm Ottawa University Morriset Building Room 205 Opening Panel: Ashanti Alston Bridget Tolley Julie Matson Jaggi Singh In this opening panel the panelists will speak about their various experiences with and […]

Social Ecologist Profile: Beverly Naidus of Vashon Island, WA USA

Beverly Naidus is an internationally recognized artist on the faculty at UW-Tacoma where she teaches courses in art for social change and healing. Interdisciplinary to her core, she works in many mediums, allowing the content to determine the form.  Themes in her work include the ecological crisis, fear of difference, unemployment, nuclear nightmares and her dreams […]

Come to Boston for Biojustice 2007!

BioJustice 2007 is a week long celebration of sustainable food and alternatives to corporate healthcare. It is being developed by a wide coalition of public interest groups, activists, farmers, scientists, and concerned citizens, working together in response to the biotechnology industry’s international convention scheduled for the new Boston Convention and Exhibition Center during May 6-9, 2007.

Audio from Reclaim the Commons in Chicago

Audio from Reclaim the Commons 2006 in Chicago is now available at

The featured panel discussion took place on April 8, 2006 at DePaul University, in response to the BIO industry convention held the following week in Chicago. On the panel: Anuradha Mittal (Oakland Institute), Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero (Puerto Rican Project on Biosafety), John Kinsman (National Family Farm Coalition), and Sarah Alexander (White Earth Land Recovery Project). The panel was moderated by Jeffrey Smith (Institute for Resonsible Technology).

BIO Convention events, April 2006

The Biotech Industry Organization (BIO) is coming to Chicago this April for their annual international convention and PR extravaganza BIO 2006.


The world’s largest convention of biotech and pharmaceutical executives is coming to Philadelphia this June.

Join us to resist their closed-door corporate agenda of GE agriculture, health care for profit, and bioweapons proliferation.

Give voice to a different vision of local food sovereignty, fair trade, health care for all, community power, biodiversity and honest science.

BIODEMOCRACY 2005: Reclaim the Commons!

CALLING ON ALL PEOPLE who resent the demise of democracy and hold to the promise of authentic popular empowerment! All who dare to paint poems of resistance on walls of oppression, dance in city streets in defiance of police states, and plant seeds of sedition in the shadows of Empire: come to Philadelphia! As the world’s leading agents of eco-devastation and medical malpractice meet here in June, we cannot stand quiet. Join us to challenge the corporate crime, poisons for profit, and flagrant lies of the biotechnology industry, at the time of their annual international convention, with a creative uprising for truth, life and justice!

[end of original ‘Biodev’ front page]

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