
Social Ecology against Ecofascism

ISE Program Director Blair Taylor was recently interviewed by Vox on rising right wing environmentalism and ecofascism, the difference between the two, and why social ecology offers an antidote to racist, authoritarian ecologies:

2021 ISE Summer Intensive: From Social Distancing to Social Transformation (June 11-15)

Join us June 11-15 for our annual Social Ecology Intensive! Together, we will spend five days exploring social-ecological transformation in theory and practice, examining contemporary political issues through a transformative interdisciplinary perspective. Bringing together ISE faculty, activists, scholars, and participants from around the world, our Intensives combine classes, workshops, and rich discussions guided by the goal of creating a free, ecological, and truly democratic society. We hope you’ll join us for what is always an inspiring experience of radical education, political strategizing, comradely networking, and utopian visioning!

Spring 2021 ISE Online Courses

We are excited to offer three courses this spring, including two brand new ones: Understanding Antisemitism (March 24-April 28), The Philosophy and Politics of Social Ecology (April 5-May 24), and Food & Climate Justice (April 29-June 3).

New social ecology zine [third nature] now out!

[third nature] is a bimonthly zine created by the social ecology organization Live Oak Radical Ecology located in North Florida. This second issue, published in February 2021, features essays on food sovereignty, renewing communal life, DIY ecological stewardship and more, along with art and graphics bursting with bloomer energy.