
Announcing New Compass Press

New Compass is a continuation of  Communalism – A Social Ecology Journal, a project allied with the ISE. They have several new published articles as well as a newly published book “Art as Politics” by Adam Krause. From the New Compass “About” page: New movements need new ideas. New Compass presents new and powerful ideas on direct […]

A Statement from the ISE Board

The Board of the Institute for Social Ecology has asked that the following statement be posted to the Social Ecology Blog and that it be *added as a sort of guideline text for comments on posts and articles on the ISE website: The Institute for Social Ecology is committed to the spirit of free inquiry, and we hope that […]

Eiglad replies to Hardy

[For background, please see the brief post “Making public a proposal for public debate” including the comments on that post. Then please see Karl Hardy’s response “Reply to Eirik Eiglad.”] Karl Hardy, I am not sure what to make of this. You have now written a reply to me as a separate article on this […]

Reply to Eirik Eiglad

For background please see the brief post “Making public a proposal for public debate” including the comments made on that post. Greetings to Eirik and my thanks for his reply. First, to clarify for accuracy, at no time have I posted on the New Compass website ( — there is a typo in Eirik’s reply). […]

Making a public proposal for a public “debate”

The article “Social ecology needs development, dissent, dynamism” published January 17, 2011 has, as of this writing, received 48 comments and, according to Google Analytics, 871 page views (609 unique views). [from a comment left in response to the “Social ecology needs…” article] Marcus Melder said: I want to suggest a formal debate between a […]

Invitation: 5th Annual Institute for Social Ecology Summer Colloquium

INVITATION & CALL FOR PAPER PROPOSALS: “Social Ecology and the Future of Resistance” Fifth Annual Summer Colloquium – Institute for Social Ecology Marshfield, VT USA August 19-21 Application/Registration Deadline: June 1, 2011 (please see below) Contact:

Can People Power Overcome Nuclear Power?

[The following are introductory paragraphs from a post by ISE ally Randall Amster published on the New Clear Vision blog.] Search the news for the word “meltdown” these days and you’ll probably get one of three main hits: the situation in Japan; the U.S. economy; and Charlie Sheen. Take a guess which one is most […]

The Ecological Integration of Humanity

by Jesse Benn 1. The scientific and biological consideration and organization of independent sub-systems of the ecology, connected together in sequence and in conjunction with the greater whole, are and will be increasingly necessary in order to correct for environmental damage and to control the complex demands of the human and urban metropolitan populations. Sustaining […]

Social Ecologist Profile: Grace Gershuny of Barnet, VT USA

Please introduce yourself (What kind of work you do, Where you live, etc.) I live in Barnet, VT – just south of St. Johnsbury, where I’ve lived (with a small lapse) since 1984 in a house that I built with my then husband.  We ran a small market garden for 8 years, and I still […]

A New Politics

by Bob Spivey, ISE Board Member and SEEDS co-founder Recently I heard reports of Egyptians ordering pizzas for protestors in Wisconsin. Truly we are living in extraordinary times. If the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism had posed a challenge to the rational, universalist basis of the liberal democratic project, the protests sweeping the Middle East and […]