
Biodemocracy Teach-In, June 18 – 20

This 3-day teach-in will offer something for everyone. There will be workshops and panel discussions on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals and Human Genetics, Biowarfare and Bioweapons, Sustainable Alternatives, and the Corruption of Science, plus a special screening of the film The Future of Food introduced by filmmaker Deborah Koons Garcia, along with some of the key people interviewed in the film. Confirmed teach-in speakers include Medea Benjamin, Ignacio Chapela, Percy Schmeiser, Anuradha Mittal, Sheldon Krimsky, Carmelo Ruiz, Judy Wicks, Brian Tokar, and many more!

Summer Solstice Day of Action: Tuesday, June 21st

On the Summer Solstice, rise up in Philadelphia’s streets and gardens for the “Longest Day (of Action) of the Year!” Shine a light on biotech and pharmaceutical hotspots in central Philadelphia and spark non-violent resistance to business as usual at BIO 2005.

Green and Black Urban Gathering

sous les pavés, la plage!

Philadelphia’s Under the Pavement Collective will strengthen this mobilization’s perspective of critiquing biotechnology in the context of our resistance to all forms of domination. Monday, June 20th will include a full day of skill-shares for sustainable, post-capitalist urban living.

Get involved and donate!

We can’t stop the earth-eating insanity perpetuated by greedy biotechnology corporations all by ourselves. We need your help! There are many opportunities to help, donate funds and donate/loan items that we need to make this event a huge success!

The Municipal Economy

Our thanks to the author, Jesse Benn, for this this contribution. 1. Surrounding the idea of improving humanity’s relationships, with itself, and in the interaction of the human environment with the natural world, is the prospect of transcending the illusion of separation and hierarchical control through direct local community appropriation, across the planet, in the […]

Mass protests in WI against union-busting plan

Matt H. has traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to participate in the widespread protests against the Republican Governor Scott Walker’s plan to cut the bargaining rights and benefits of public workers. Matt posted the photo below, taken earlier this morning (Saturday February 19th). He reports “People from all across the country have been calling in pizza […]

Consider the case of Wisconsin…

Brian T. commenting on Matt H.’s “Neoliberalism and the Politics of Social Ecology”: Right wingers continue to attack ‘big government’ and aim to drastically reduce its size while, with few exceptions, supporting the continuing build-up of the repressive apparatus. My question is whether it’s conceptually feasible to do the opposite: to support the safety net, […]

Site updates and article links

Please do comment and participate in discussion on posts to this blog. In particular, there have been and continue to be many thoughtful comments made in response to both Matt H’s “Neoliberalism and the Politics of Social Ecology” and Karl Hardy’s “Social Ecology Needs Development, Dissent, Dynamism” as well as J. Kelvyn Richards’ “A Social Ecology.” […]